Solénoir (sɒleɪnwɑr)


Honor and Duty: The Solénoir culture places a strong emphasis on honor and duty, particularly for those who serve in the Order of the Radiant Sun. The Paladins and Clerics are expected to uphold the tenets of their faith, defend the innocent, and fight against evil wherever it may be found.   Martial Tradition: The Solénoir culture is steeped in a martial tradition, with a focus on physical training and combat skills. Even those who do not serve in the Order may still learn to defend themselves and their families.   Faith and Devotion: The Solénoir people are deeply devout, with a strong belief in the power and righteousness of their god. They attend regular religious services and pray daily, seeking guidance and strength from Solénoir.   Respect for Nature: While the Solénoir culture is largely focused on warfare and combat, they also have a deep respect for the natural world. They believe that all things are part of Solénoir's creation and that the natural world should be protected and preserved.   Artistic Expression: The Solénoir people also appreciate artistic expression, particularly in the form of music, sculpting, and poetry. They believe that art can be a powerful tool for expressing devotion and communicating with the divine.   Strict Hierarchy: The Solénoir culture has a strict hierarchy, with the Radiant High-Commander at the top, followed by the Commanders, Paladins, and other members of the Order. They believe that this hierarchy is necessary for maintaining order and unity within their society.



  Radiant High Commander Gaspard Bergeron
Sir Bellinor


First Era   In the days of the Pauri Empire, Solénoir was a religion that grew to prominence among the enslaved population of Mortentor. It is unclear where this religion came from, however, it is believed to be a manipulation of some ambitious Elven Lord. the worship of Solénoir was forbidden, and his name was erased from the history books and the memories of the people. However, there were always those who felt a deep connection to the Radiant Sun, even if they could not openly express their faith.   As the revolution against the Elves began to take shape, a small group of rebels banded together to form a secret society devoted to Solénoir. They met in hidden places, under cover of darkness, to share stories and teachings about the Radiant Sun and to offer prayers in his name. They became known as the Order of the Radiant Sun.   When Eridian and Fenokon came to power in Lidiavale, they welcomed the followers of Solénoir into their court and granted them the freedom to worship as they pleased. The followers of Solénoir, grateful for this newfound freedom, began to spread their faith throughout the land, preaching the virtues of strength, hope, and courage that were embodied in the Radiant Sun.   Over time, the Solénoir faith grew in popularity and began to attract followers from all walks of life, including many of the warriors and holy men and women who had fought against the Elves.

Mythology & Lore

In the creation myth of Solénoir, it is said that the world was created by the god Solénoir in a great burst of light and energy. Solénoir brought order to the chaos of the universe and created the sun and the stars to illuminate the world. He then created the earth, the seas, and the skies, and filled them with life. Finally, he created the first humans and fae to serve as his stewards of the world.   According to the myth, Solénoir chose the Radiant High-Commander to lead his followers on earth and bestowed upon them the power to wield his divine light as Paladins. The Radiant High Commander then established the Order of the Radiant Sun, which became the dominant faith of the land. The people of Solénoir believe that they are the chosen people of God and that it is their duty to spread his teachings and defend the world against the forces of darkness.


Worship of Solénoir is centered around the principles of duty, honor, and courage. Followers of the faith are expected to uphold these virtues in their daily lives and to dedicate themselves to the protection of the weak and defenseless.   The primary act of worship is the taking of oaths, which are considered sacred promises made to Solénoir and the ideals he represents. These oaths are taken by Paladins as they advance through the ranks of the Order of the Radiant Sun, and by others who seek to show their devotion to the faith.   Additionally, followers of Solénoir may perform regular acts of charity and volunteer work to help those in need, or engage in battle to protect their fellow worshippers and those they are sworn to defend.   Prayer is also an important aspect of worship, with followers typically offering prayers for guidance, strength, and protection in their daily lives and in times of war or danger. Paladins and other religious leaders may also perform formal religious ceremonies to honor Solénoir and commemorate significant events in the history of the faith.


The followers of Solénoir are led by the Paladins of the Order of the Radiant Sun, who are considered the ultimate holy warriors of the faith. While the Paladins are the primary religious leaders and often perform the duties of priests, there may also be individuals within the faith who are dedicated solely to performing religious ceremonies and offering guidance to worshippers. These individuals may be called clerics or acolytes, depending on their level of training and expertise.


While the worship of Solénoir is largely uniform across the land, there are some minor differences in how the faith is practiced among different regions and communities. These differences can be attributed to factors such as cultural influences, interpretations of scripture, and local traditions.   Some communities may place greater emphasis on the martial aspects of the faith, with a focus on combat training and the defense of the weak. Others may prioritize the virtues of compassion and mercy, emphasizing charity and outreach to the less fortunate.   There are also occasional disagreements among followers of the faith regarding certain doctrinal interpretations or specific practices. However, these differences are typically resolved through dialogue and compromise, and the overarching unity of the faith is maintained.   In times when the Radiant High Commander grows to be questioned by his subordinates, some may rise up and dispute his claim to power. They may select an individual who is colloquially known as a Radiant Shadow, an individual who challenges the Radiant High Commander and claims that they themselves are the rightful bearer of that title.
Religious, Organised Religion
Ruling Organization
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