
Small, very similar to Humans / Ahmen, you see a couple sitting outside of their tiny home build into the side of a hill and some tree roots as the foudation of the walls. Through the seemingly narrow cobble road leading to a little bridge reaching across a tiny creek. You see more of these homes and even some more little buildings and gardens in the tiny valley vetween the hills. In the stretch of fields beyond, corn and wheat fields. One of the couple lean forward, puffing some smoke from their lips and pipe, their eyes narrowed in the suspicion of an elderly person casting judgement upon the idea of an irresponsible childm yet to you. "Good morning." You say, trying to break the ice. "Morning." He replies with a suspicious grimmace in his eyes. With an awkward sensation of unwelcome from the tiny people, you carry on into the tabern where you find a far more welcomed greeting from the younger crowd. Though your awkward size does make for a very interesting night of dodging the rafters.


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