
Amidst the rock scattered planes and grassy hills, you come across a humble tribe with their clusters of huts and tents. Dug in against the larger boulders for shelter, using the digouts to create makeshift furnaces for the cold nights and a few scattered carpets to line their otherwise dirt roads. A tall, hyena beastkin steps forward and tilts his head. "What brings you to our home, traveler?" He asks politely in common tongue, yet with a thick accent. Standing with decent enough clothes, a metal spiked spear on his back, and a mace on his hip, you both walk and speak together about his tribe. To your surprize, he finds many opportunity opportunities to discuss things with a relatively profound and insightful mindset.    


Hyena like people standing at average 6'8" with short, rounded ears, short tails, large clawed hands and paws. Their fur colors range from natural greys, white, black, and shades of brown. Due to their physeology, Hynadal have bulky, brutish builds and are rather strong.    

Specific Social States


Tribal and Nomad

The Hynadal are not unsimilar to Vulakaians in both Tribal and Nomad like life, however they are far more common in surface and flatland biomes. Their shammans are usually the only ones strongly versed in herbal sciences and magic, and only their "chosen" usually come to learn magic of any kind beyond the Shamman and Chieftain. Magic is guarded carefully and viewed as too dangerous to wield too comonly.

Village Society

Hynadal village society is relatively decent. Black smithing, common clothing, metal weapons, and armor are levels of development reached. Hynadal are more integrated in other societies at a Village or above level of lifestyle, and there are almost no all Hynadal village or above societies.  


Larger, stronger, with particular physeology, Hynadal are contributed traits due to their biology as a beast kin. Because their societies are more commonly underdeveloped and traditional/tribal, Hynadal retain among the strongest beastkin traits at their level of societal progression as a race.
  1. Dark vision: Partially nocturnal, Hynadal can see incredibly well in the dark.
  2. Strength: With bodies like logs and taller statures, Hynadal are far stronger than most kin, but this comes at a cost of agility.
  3. Sense of smell: With larger noses than most beastkin, Hynadal are able to smell and track as acutely as Vulakaian can hear.


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