Vulakai / Vulakaian

Not far from the village gates, the tree line is beginning to thicken and turn to forest brush. Small shavings of wood fall to the ground in the breeze from the knife gliding across a small wooden totem and digging out the details. The tall Vulakai twitches his idly hanging ears before darting his gaze to you. Blowing the remaining dust from the totem and placing it and the knife back into his satchel, he turns to you. Asking that you are ready to go, they toss you your backpack in preparation for the journey.  


Fox-like people standing relatively taller than humans at an average of about 6'5" with long ears, bushy tails, and snouts. Split rather evenly between being among civilized people and Nomads, the Vulakai are nearly as common as humans and half Elves. With their physiology, the Vulakai have heightened senses and agility, rivaling even Elves in agility and surpassing them in strength as well. Most Vulakai are very family oriented, a small hint of a pack mentality.      



Tribal and Nomad

Tribal and Nomad forms of Vulakaian society are rather basic as they live a life of peace and seclusion, often using mountains or dark forests away from most other kingdoms to avoid conflict. They are a peaceful and well structured kin. Upon reaching an age of maturity, the young will be send out on a pilgrimage with nothing more than basic clothed and a ceremonial knife. For more information on Nomad life, see Nomads.  

Village Society

Unlike the Tribal and Nomadic Vulakaians, Village society is much less magically attuned and more farmland and stationary. With roughly drawn out natural fields for harvest and easy access to rivers for fishing, the Vulakaian villages are a humble and remote lifestyle of little consequence. They do not leave except to very occasionally hunt what they do not already farm and breed themselves. The hiearchy of these villages are relatively simple and often consist of a Leader and a small council.


Vulakaian have strong animalistic senses, but due to their societal evolutions have toned down from desensitization and exposure. None the less, these senses are far more worthy of note than most other races.    
  1. Hearing: With huge ears, Vulakai are able to catch a great deal of ambient audio and their ability to aim their ears allows them to focus on more acute or quiet noises.
  2. Dark vision: Vulakai, being so fox like, have a strong nocturnal presence, allowing them to see in the dark via light accumulative reflection.
  3. Agility: With slender builds and long limbs, Vulakaian have an edge on agility.


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