Firearms and Gunpowder Technology / Science in The Clockwork World | World Anvil
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Firearms and Gunpowder

As a result of the Tieflings' innovation and abundance of, as well as near monopoly of, sulfur, primitive, muzzle-loading firearms have recently been invented.   Due to The Kingdom of Ashes' access to native aluminum and scarce access to carbon, guns originating from there are made of aluminum.


The sudden lurch in military technology sparked the re-beginning of conflict between the Tieflings and the Humans of Xelland, a conflict which is ongoing to this day.
Access & Availability
As a result of the kingdom's poor relations with all but the Brothers of Aukkland, firearms are rare and gunpowder is in limited supply in the rest of the world. Most any gunpowder that can be obtained in such regions was originally traded to the Brothers of Aukkland and used on Orcish pirate vessels before being seized by the Sollish navy.
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