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Adam The Warforged

Adam is a Warforged and leader of the warforged settlement Arcadia.


Creation and Eberron Civil War

Like all warforged, Adam was created in the nation of Eberron to fight in the country's civil war. He would not choose the name 'Adam' until many years later, simply being referred to by his unit number for the first years of his life. Adam obediently fought in the war for many years, but as the conflict drew to a close he began to question his purpose in life. When the war ended, Adam refused to be repurposed by his masters and escaped the continent on a ship with a number of like-minded warforged.

Arrival in The Commonland

Adam and his crew sailed the seas for many months before eventually arriving in The Commonland. The warforged spent many weeks observing the nearby human and halfling population before deciding to create their own commune, Arcadia. It was during this period that period that he chose his name. Unsure what to do after establishing his new home, Adam began undertaking a number of hobbies and professions in order to further explore his purpose in life. He soon discovered his love of painting and began to lead a weekly art class in Arcadia. He also adopted a cat which could often be seen travelling with him in a satchel.   Along with the rest of Arcadia, Adam swore a vow of pacifism during this period as an act of rebellion against his original masters.

Armatopian Occupation

When The Commonland was conquered by Armatopia it didn't take long for the invading army to discover Arcadia. Not wanting to violate his vow of pacifism, Adam struck a deal with with the Armatopians to provide food for their army once a month in return for Arcadia being free of any foreign presence.   At some point during the occipation, a mysterious Armatopian admiral named Ar'Go arrived in Arcadia to meet with Adam and the Warfored. Ar'Go showed an extreme interest in the warforged's biology and combat capabilities and proposed they abandon the Commonland for his own people in Triton. When Adam refused, Ar'Go ordered that a warforged be forcibily taken for study, despite Adam's strong disapproval.

The Resistance

Around two years into the occupation, Adam and Arcadia was approched by Augustus Olba, Franny McConnell and Robert Barton representing The Resistance in an attempted to get the Warforged to join their cause. During the talks, he was forced to hide the Resistance members in a cellar when Ar'Go arrived in a second attempt to pursuade the warforged to join his cause. Dedicated to his vow, Adam refused to fight for both groups.
Portait of Adam  


  Also known as - Adam the Warforged   Current Status - Alive   Species - Warforged   Place of Birth - Eberron   Aligned Groups - Leader of Arcadia

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