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Eberron is the nation from which the Warforged of Arcadia originate from. Little is known about the place other than the brief pieces of information provided by Adam.  


Eberron is described by Adam as being thousands of miles west of The Commonland on the otherside of a great ocean.   At some point during its history, the nation was embroiled in a giant and destructive civil war for which the warforged were created to fight in. When the war ended, many of the warforged were retasked to serve in other roles, such as contruction.   A group of around 50 warforged felt desatisfied with their role in Eberron after the war and decided to sail away from the nation, eventually arriving in The Commonland and settling in Arcadia.
Warforged at work in Eberron


  Founded - unkown   Size - Nation   Governing System - unkown   Population - unkown   Demographic - Human, Warforged, possibly others

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