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Edmund Davenport

Edmund Davenport is a human male from Armatopia and the current Prime Minister of the state. He was formely a professor of psychology at Rutherford University.  


Early Life and Career

Edmund Rupert Alexander Davenport was born in the city district of Armatopia, his mother was a poet and his father a stock trader. From an early age, Davenport's parents noted their son's inquisative and keen mind leading them to enroll him in a number of private and elite education academies. At 17, a year earlier than most freshman, Davenport attended Rutherford University to study history. It was here that he made a number of political connections he would later exploit through the Bridgewater Society, a controversial private social club known for its elitist tendencies.   Following university, Davenport followed his father into the world of Armatopian finanace. Despite his success in the field, he ultimately felt unfulfilled by the direction his life had took and decided to return to university at the age of 25.

Academic Career

Throughout his life in education, Edmund Davenport had taken an exceptional interest in early Armatopian history, particularly the founding of the nation. During his time as a history student, Davenport had begun to develop his own private theory that the early settlers of Armatopia were of a higher mind to those who remained in the 'Old World'. Due to this fascination, Davenport decided to re-enroll at Rutherford Univeristy to study a relatively new branch of philosophy known as psychology. His final thesis "The Civil Society's Purpose" made Davenport a known name in academic circles. The thesis proposed that Armatopia had achieved what he deemed 'Cultural Superiority' and was destined to one day return to the old continent to 'civilise' the population.

Ministerial Career


Prime Ministerial Career

Prime Ministerial Portait of Edmund Davenport  

Edmund Davenport

  Also known as - Professor Edmund Davenport   Current Status - Alive   Species - Human   Place of Birth - Armatopia   Aligned Groups - Professor at Rutherford University, Prime Minister of Armatopia

Edmund Davenport during his days as a professor of
psychology at Rutherford Univeristy

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