Sequence 6: The Second Attemp, the Fall & Crisis


Setup to climax - everything falls apart - the hero's darkest hour includes the mirror moment. Hero is doomed to failure due to some action or inaction on his part. Includes new plan, action and failure of that plan.

  1. Preparation for the next act (a new plan)
  2. Opposition (trouble on the way down)
  3. The Underworld or villains lair (the thing the hero fears most - will face a guardian who makes him demonstrate that he has learned from experience) - he will be alone at this point
  4. The Supreme ordeal - prepared to do the right thing
  5. Hero Takes Action
  6. Antagonist Strikes back
  7. The Act of desparation
  8. False Solution
  9. Attack by the co-protagonist
  10. The Fall
  11. Second Major Failure
  12. Crisis - hero's darkest hour
  13. Meltdown - hero at breaking point
  14. Antagonist prevails

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