Sequence 2:Responding to the Challenge


Show the hero's response to the challenge and take him to the point where he consciously considers then balks at the challenge (refuse the call) then accepts it.

  1. Initial Reaction to the challenge
  2. Hero's greatest fear
  3. Refuse the call
  4. Reveal some backstory
  5. Setup subplots
  6. Consequences for refusing the challenge
  7. Pressure to accept the challenge
  8. Force the hero to accept the challenge
  9. Introduce the ally/lover and other major characters
  10. Establish the stakes - worst thing that can happen
  11. Motivation - why the hero acts
  12. Accept the challenge
  13. Establish the hero's first goal (it can be wrong)
  14. Major Dramatic Question (i.e. what is you theme)
  15. Cross the threshold - point of no return
  16. Turning points

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