Dark Elves, Drow Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil

Dark Elves, Drow

Shadows of Betrayal: The Enigmatic World of the Drow

    Dark Elves, known as Drow, are an enigmatic and alluring race shrouded in shadows. With obsidian skin and radiant eyes reflecting the depths of the Underdark, they exude an aura of mystique and danger. Masters of intrigue and deception, Drow society is a labyrinth of noble houses locked in a ceaseless struggle for dominance. Devotees of the sinister goddess Lolth, their culture revolves around dark rituals and ambitious machinations. Yet, among the Drow, a glimmer of hope remains as some seek redemption and seek to break free from the malevolence that defines their race. Forever bound by a tumultuous past of betrayal and transformation, the Drow's choices will determine the path they tread—whether to embrace their dark nature or reclaim the grace of their Elven origins.

Basic Information


The Drow, also known as Dark Elves, possess slender, graceful physiques that belie their deadly prowess. With finely chiseled features, elongated ears, and eyes that shimmer with an eerie glow, they are a captivating and mysterious race. Their obsidian-black skin, ranging from deep violet to midnight blue, serves as a striking contrast to their pale, silvery hair, often styled in elaborate braids and intricate patterns. Their lithe frames allow for agile movements, ideal for their subterranean home in the depths of the Underdark.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drow reproduce through conventional means, with gestation periods similar to surface Elves. Their society is matriarchal, with powerful matron mothers leading noble houses and deciding matters of lineage and inheritance. This lineage system places great importance on female Drow, who hold positions of authority and power within the Drow society

Growth Rate & Stages

Drow mature at a faster rate than humans and surface Elves. At around the age of 30, they are considered fully matured physically and mentally. Their accelerated growth rate facilitates their adaptability to the dangerous and treacherous environment of the Underdark.

Ecology and Habitats

The Drow call the lightless depths of the Underdark their home. Here, they have carved out vast subterranean cities, ruled by noble houses locked in a ceaseless struggle for power. Their cities are often situated within massive caverns, intricately designed to provide both protection and aesthetic grandeur. The Drow's affinity for darkness and underground environments has allowed them to thrive in the hostile subterranean realm.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Drow are omnivores, capable of surviving on a diverse diet consisting of fungi, underground plants, and hunted creatures. In the Underdark's lightless expanse, they have developed a tolerance for consuming poisonous and exotic fungi found in their subterranean environment.

Biological Cycle

Drow biology is intertwined with celestial influences. They are attuned to the cycles of the moon, and certain aspects of their society are guided by lunar phases. Lunar alignment is believed to influence their temperament and magical abilities, with some Drow exhibiting heightened power during specific lunar phases.


Drow behavior is characterized by ambition, cunning, and a relentless pursuit of power. Their society is inherently treacherous, where betrayal and political machinations are common. Drow are fiercely loyal to their noble houses and follow the edicts of their dark goddess, Lolth, with fanatical devotion. This combination of ambition and loyalty creates a volatile and dangerous society where alliances can shift at a moment's notice.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drow society is structured around noble houses, each governed by a powerful matron mother. The matriarchs hold authority over their respective houses, with male members serving as soldiers, artisans, and advisors. Intrigue and rivalry among houses are common, as each seeks to climb the social ladder and gain the favor of the dark goddess, Lolth.

Facial characteristics

The Drow's faces possess an alluring and enigmatic quality, characterized by sharp features and eyes that shine with an ethereal glow. Their expressions often hide concealed motives, giving rise to their reputation for being inscrutable and mysterious.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Drow's primary domain lies within the vast and intricate labyrinth of the Underdark. Here, their cities and strongholds extend throughout the dark depths, each vying for dominance over the others.

Average Intelligence

The Drow are a highly intelligent and magically adept race, with many of their members possessing innate spellcasting abilities. Their society places a significant emphasis on arcane and divine knowledge, and they take pride in their magical prowess.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Drow have adapted to their subterranean environment, possessing excellent night vision that allows them to navigate the darkness with ease. Their eyes can perceive infrared wavelengths, making them adept at spotting hidden creatures and detecting sources of heat. Some Drow, particularly priestesses of Lolth, possess limited abilities in foresight and divination magic, further enhancing their awareness of the world around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Drow names carry great significance, reflecting their noble heritage and allegiance to their house. Given names often contain subtle references to their ancestors or virtues valued by their family. Surnames represent the illustrious noble houses, further defining their place in the complex web of Drow society. Naming ceremonies are somber affairs, where newborns are presented before the matron mother to receive their name—a pivotal moment that determines their path within Drow society.

Major Organizations

The Spider Cults, followers of the dark goddess Lolth, play a central role in Drow society. High Priestesses, wielding both divine and arcane powers, lead these cults, guiding their people's religious devotion and political machinations. The Blades of Shadow, a clandestine organization of elite Drow warriors, serve as covert agents for their houses, carrying out assassinations and espionage to further their noble house's interests.

Beauty Ideals

Drow ideals of beauty encompass a combination of elegant features and a mysterious allure. Darkly enchanting, they adorn themselves with intricate jewelry and arcane symbols, enhancing their natural grace and charm.

Courtship Ideals

Drow courtship is a complex dance of intrigue and deception. Potential partners vie for influence and power, forming alliances that strengthen their house's position. Romantic endeavors are often fraught with betrayal and manipulation, as Drow seek to secure the most advantageous union for their house.

Relationship Ideals

Marriages among the Drow are strategic unions, serving to bolster house alliances or strengthen political influence. While love may be a factor, loyalty to their house and pursuit of power take precedence in Drow relationships.

Average Technological Level

Drow have developed advanced craftsmanship, forging deadly weaponry, intricate armor, and arcane artifacts imbued with sinister enchantments. Their use of dark magic and advanced alchemical concoctions bolsters their lethal prowess in battle.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Drow language, known as "Sshibar," is a guttural and sibilant tongue, spoken in hushed whispers among their kind. The language is both poetic and descriptive, reflecting their complex society and their veneration of the dark deities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Drow etiquette is steeped in intrigue and caution. While polite on the surface, their words are often layered with hidden meanings and veiled threats. Guests are scrutinized for weaknesses, while hosts strive to maintain an aura of power and dominance.

Common Dress Code

Drow attire is a blend of elegance and practicality. Dark, flowing robes adorned with delicate symbols of their house are commonly worn, exuding an aura of authority and mystique. Armor often contains arcane glyphs, further empowering their wearers with protective enchantments.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Culture and Cultural Heritage: Shadows of Their Past   Drow culture is defined by their religious reverence for dark deities and the spider goddess, Lolth. Their society is a web of treachery and ambition, where noble houses vie for supremacy, and betrayal lurks around every corner.   Artistic expression among the Drow reflects their turbulent history, often depicting themes of redemption, conquest, and the divine machinations of their sinister gods.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Drow ceremonies revolve around the worship of Lolth and the observance of her sacred rituals. These ceremonies may involve sacrificial offerings, intricate dance performances, and dark magic to appease their dark goddess and secure her favor.

Common Taboos

Drow society holds loyalty in high regard, and any hint of disloyalty is met with swift and severe punishment. Showing weakness or vulnerability is also considered taboo, as it may be perceived as an opportunity for rivals to exploit.


Shadows of Betrayal and Redemption     The history of the Drow is veiled in shadows, a tapestry woven with deceit, ambition, and a profound fall from grace. In the distant past, the Drow were an integral part of the Elven kin, living in harmony with their surface-dwelling brethren. But an event known as the "Night of Betrayal" shattered this idyllic existence. Driven by their thirst for power and fueled by the whispers of dark deities, a group of influential Elven nobles conspired to seize control of the Elven society. Led by the treacherous matron mother of House Xalthea, they struck a pact with the malevolent goddess Lolth, Queen of Spiders, and abandoned the path of virtue and harmony.   As the moon shrouded the sun, casting the surface world into darkness, the Night of Betrayal unfolded. The treacherous nobles, fueled by dark magic and deceit, attacked their fellow Elves in a sinister bid for dominance. The night sky was stained with the blood of kin, and a cataclysmic civil war erupted among the Elves.   In the aftermath of the conflict, Lolth's sinister influence twisted the hearts and minds of those who had embraced her dark promises. As their loyalty to the spider goddess grew, their once fair and radiant appearances changed, their skin darkening into the inky hues of night. The newly transformed Drow were forever exiled from the surface world and found refuge in the depths of the Underdark.   Here, they forged a new path, carving out grand cities in the lightless abyss, living beneath the earth and weaving a complex web of noble houses vying for power and supremacy. Their society became one of treachery and cunning, where betrayal was a constant companion and the pursuit of power drove every decision.   Despite the darkness that engulfed them, not all Drow embraced the malevolence of Lolth. A small group, known as the "Reclaimers," sought to redeem their fallen kin and return to the light. Among them was Valindra, a wise and compassionate priestess of Eilistraee, the benevolent goddess of song and moonlight. Valindra's teachings inspired hope and change among her people, advocating reconciliation with the surface Elves and seeking to break free from the shackles of darkness.   The struggle between the followers of Lolth and the Reclaimers continues to this day, the legacy of the Night of Betrayal a specter haunting their society. The Drow stand at a crossroads, torn between the shadows that have ensnared them and the glimmer of hope for redemption and a return to the light. The choices they make will shape the future of the Drow race, defining whether they remain forever lost in the dark or find a path back to the grace and nobility of their Elven origins.

Historical Figures

Drizzt Do'Urden: A legendary figure among the Drow, Drizzt Do'Urden broke free from the oppressive society of the Underdark and chose the path of redemption. An outcast from his house, he wandered the surface world, battling evil and striving to change the perception of his dark kin. Matron Mother Ylarae: A formidable matriarch and ruler of a prominent Drow noble house, Matron Mother Ylarae gained notoriety for her cunning political maneuverings and ruthless pursuit of power. Under her leadership, her house became a formidable force within Drow society.   Lorgrave, the Enlightened: A historical figure from the early days of Drow society, Lorgrave led his people to a new path. Wise and just, he was chosen as the first ruler of Avernon, the first kingdom of the Drow. His legacy as a visionary leader and advocate of unity laid the foundation for the Drow's current societal structure.

Common Myths and Legends

A significant myth among the Drow revolves around their exodus from the surface world and their descent into the depths of the Underdark. The myth tells of an ancient conflict between their ancestors and the surface Elves, leading to their eventual separation and subterranean existence.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Drow often maintain tense relationships with other races due to their reputation for treachery and malevolence. While they may form alliances when necessary, they are primarily viewed with suspicion and wariness by other civilizations. Their interactions with surface Elves are fraught with enmity, as memories of their ancestors' betrayal still linger. They harbor deep animosity toward Dwarves, and their presence in surface settlements often sparks conflict.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Drow have a significantly longer lifespan than humans, typically living up to 500 years or more. Their extended lifespans grant them a broader perspective on time and a long-term approach to achieving their goals.
Average Height
Drow stand at an average height of around 5'4" to 5'8" (163 cm to 173 cm), making them slightly shorter than their surface Elf kin. Their slender frames and graceful movements contribute to their elegant and enigmatic appearance.
Average Weight
The Drow's lithe and slender physiques result in an average weight of 120 to 150 pounds (54 kg to 68 kg). Their lightweight frames allow for agile and swift movements, a vital advantage in their treacherous environment.
Average Physique
Drow are known for their agility and physical dexterity, essential traits in their dangerous and labyrinthine home. Their nimbleness allows them to excel in combat and stealth, making them formidable opponents in the darkness.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Drow's skin color varies from deep violet to midnight blue, contrasting starkly with their silvery hair. Some Drow may bear intricate tattoos or markings that hold cultural or personal significance, a reflection of their devotion to their house or deity.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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