Dragonborn Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Dragonborn in Aver: Proud Scions of the Ancient Draconic Legacy

  The Dragonborn of Aver are a proud and noble race, bearing the legacy of the mighty dragons that once roamed the lands. With their draconic ancestry, they possess a unique blend of strength, wisdom, and mystical power. The Dragonborn are revered for their unwavering sense of honor, loyalty, and their deep connection to the ancient forces that shaped the world.   Descendants of Dragons:   Long ago, the Dragonborn emerged as the descendants of ancient dragons, a testament to the mystic ties that bind them to the primordial forces of the world. Their scaled bodies, resembling the majestic dragons they are kin to, command respect and awe.   Dragon Ancestry and Elemental Affinities:   Each Dragonborn lineage can trace its roots to a specific type of dragon, determining their elemental affinities. Whether they embody the fury of fire, the strength of earth, the agility of air, or the mysteries of water, these elemental powers add to their already formidable abilities.   Protectors and Guardians:   The Dragonborn hold within them the responsibility to act as protectors and guardians of the realms they call home. Their innate sense of honor drives them to defend the weak, champion justice, and uphold the natural order of the world.   Embrace of Heritage:   Dragonborn revere their draconic heritage and are keen to pass down their ancient traditions and wisdom to the next generation. Their rich oral history includes tales of legendary dragons and the feats of their forebears, inspiring awe and admiration.   A Mystical Connection:   Dragonborn possess a natural affinity for magic, owing to their close connection with the ancient forces of the world. This affinity allows them to wield arcane and elemental powers, making them formidable spellcasters and versatile adventurers.   Relations with Other Races:   The Dragonborn's strong sense of honor and loyalty often earns them respect from other races in Aver. They form deep bonds with Humans, who admire their valor and steadfastness. Elves find fascination in the Dragonborn's arcane prowess, while Dwarves appreciate their unyielding sense of duty.   A Sense of Destiny:   Dragonborn often feel a sense of destiny or a grand purpose that they are driven to fulfill. This sense of purpose fuels their desire to embark on quests and adventures, where they seek to challenge great foes or unravel ancient mysteries.   Joining Adventuring Parties:   Dragonborn warriors and spellcasters are highly sought after in adventuring parties. Their formidable combat abilities, mystical talents, and unyielding sense of honor make them inspiring and reliable companions on any quest or adventure.   In Conclusion:   The Dragonborn of Aver carry within them the indomitable spirit of dragons and the wisdom of ancient times. Their proud heritage, mystical abilities, and unwavering sense of honor make them a formidable and respected race. As guardians and adventurers, they embody the mystic ties that bind them to the primordial forces, inspiring awe and admiration wherever their noble journey may lead.

Basic Information


The Dragonborn of Aver possess a regal and awe-inspiring anatomy that showcases their noble lineage as descendants of ancient dragons. Their physical design combines humanoid traits with distinctive dragon-like features, resulting in a formidable and majestic race.   Physical Structure:    Dragonborn stand tall and erect, displaying a humanoid body with a powerful and muscular build. Their imposing presence makes them stand out among other races.   Number of Limbs:    Like humans, Dragonborn have two arms and two legs, providing them with remarkable dexterity and versatility in various activities.   Head and Facial Features:    The most striking aspect of their anatomy is their dragon-like head, featuring a reptilian snout, sharp teeth, and magnificent horn-like frills that adorn their heads. Their eyes often gleam with intelligence and intensity, reflecting their keen senses.   Skeletal Strength:   Dragonborn possess a robust skeletal structure that contributes to their impressive strength and resilience, making them formidable warriors and protectors.   Scales and Skin:    Their bodies are covered in overlapping scales, which come in an array of colors and patterns, each as unique as the individual Dragonborn. The texture of their scales evokes the grandeur of their dragon ancestry.   Tail:   Many Dragonborn have long, sleek tails that enhance their balance and stability, serving both practical and symbolic purposes.   Extremities:    Dragonborn's clawed hands and feet further emphasize their draconic heritage, adding to their fearsome appearance and providing them with a natural advantage in combat.   Wings (Depending on Subrace):    Some Dragonborn subraces are gifted with magnificent dragon-like wings, enabling them to glide or soar through the skies with grace and power. These wings symbolize the freedom and legacy of their draconic ancestors.   The unique blend of humanoid and dragon-like attributes grants the Dragonborn a distinctive and commanding presence. Their regal anatomy and powerful physique befit their role as protectors and leaders, embodying the noble spirit of their ancient dragon progenitors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn reproduce through oviparous means, laying eggs from which their young hatch. The gestation period for these eggs varies between Dragonborn subraces, but it typically ranges from a few months to a year. After hatching, Dragonborn infants undergo rapid growth, reaching maturity within their first few decades.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn experience a steady growth rate throughout their lives. They progress through distinct life stages, starting as hatchlings and advancing through adolescence, young adulthood, and eventually reaching full maturity. The time it takes to reach maturity depends on the specific subrace of the Dragonborn.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn thrive in environments where they can freely express their elemental affinities. They favor habitats that align with their elemental ancestry, such as volcanic regions for Fire Dragonborn, coastal areas for Water Dragonborn, lush forests for Earth Dragonborn, and open skies for Air Dragonborn. Some Dragonborn communities choose to settle near these regions to maintain a connection with their elemental heritage.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn have varied dietary needs based on their elemental alignment and individual preferences. While some subsist on a diet primarily comprising fish or fruits, others may consume meat or vegetation. Dragonborn possess potent jaws and sharp teeth, enabling them to hunt efficiently and protect their food sources when necessary.

Biological Cycle

Dragonborn's biology remains steady throughout most of their lives, but some subraces exhibit seasonal variations in scale coloration, marking the transition between different life stages or reflecting changes in elemental energies. They do not hibernate but may display increased activity during specific seasons, celebrating and drawing strength from the natural cycles.


The Dragonborn exhibit a noble and honorable demeanor, mirroring the regal spirit of their dragon progenitors. They are typically confident and steadfast, exuding natural leadership qualities that inspire respect among their kin. Towards their predators, Dragonborn remain vigilant and protective, ready to defend their homes and communities from any threat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn societies are often organized into clans or tribes, with a hierarchical structure based on experience, wisdom, and prowess in their elemental abilities. Leaders, known as chieftains or elders, guide their communities, and decisions are reached through council meetings where the collective wisdom of the tribe is considered.

Facial characteristics

Dragonborn possess a distinctive dragon-like head, characterized by a reptilian snout, sharp teeth, and striking horn-like frills adorning their heads. Their eyes are often intense and sharp, reflecting their keen senses.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragonborn communities are distributed across various regions in Aver, typically aligning with their elemental preferences. Fire Dragonborn may be found near active volcanoes, Water Dragonborn near coastlines, Earth Dragonborn within lush forests, and Air Dragonborn in open skies and mountainous areas.

Average Intelligence

Dragonborn are known for their intelligence and wisdom, displaying a keen understanding of the world and the elemental forces that shape it. Their wisdom is often regarded as a valuable asset in times of decision-making.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragonborn possess exceptional sensory capabilities, a testament to their draconic lineage. Their sharp eyesight allows them to perceive distant objects with clarity, even in low light conditions. Some Dragonborn subraces have extrasensory powers, such as limited echolocation, which aids them in navigating through dark and obscured environments. Additionally, some Dragonborn can harness elemental or psionic powers, enabling them to detect magical auras and sense the flow of energy around them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn names are often a reflection of their heritage and elemental affinity. Male and female names may share similar elements, combining the power of their draconic lineage with individual uniqueness. Common last names are derived from notable ancestors, achievements, or elemental aspects. Naming traditions may vary among Dragonborn communities.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dragonborn culture is deeply intertwined with their elemental ancestry and the preservation of ancient traditions. They value storytelling, art, and music that commemorate their history and celebrate their connection to dragons. Their cultural heritage reflects their respect for the land they inhabit and the bonds they share with fellow Dragonborn.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Dragonborn communities engage in various customs and traditions to honor their ancestors, celebrate the changing of seasons, and mark important milestones in life. These rituals often involve ceremonies, feasts, and artistic performances that showcase their rich cultural heritage.

Common Taboos

Dragonborn hold certain actions and behaviors as taboo, often related to disrespecting nature, betraying one's community, or acting dishonorably. Engaging in forbidden practices may result in severe consequences within their societies.


The history of the Dragonborn is rich and intertwined with the ancient tale of dragons. Millennia ago, when the world of Aver was in its infancy, dragons reigned supreme, their elemental might shaping the lands. From the primordial chaos, the first Dragonborn emerged as gifted beings blessed with the essence of the dragons themselves.   During the Age of Dragons, the Dragonborn thrived alongside their dragon kin, forming profound bonds and coexisting harmoniously. Their society flourished under the wise guidance of chieftains and elders, who led with a sense of honor and a deep connection to the elements. These leaders laid the foundations for the Dragonborn's reverence for tradition and the preservation of their heritage.   As the Age of Dragons gave way to the Age of Mortals, new challenges arose for the Dragonborn. Encounters with other races brought both conflict and camaraderie, testing the Dragonborn's adaptability and resilience. Despite adversity, the Dragonborn managed to establish their place in the world, forming alliances with like-minded races and embracing diplomacy.   The rise of Thundertop Citadel, a towering bastion nestled amidst the majestic mountains in the North of Aver, marked a significant turning point for the Dragonborn. It became the illustrious capital of the Draconic Empire, a testament to the unity of the Dragonborn with their ally, the Kobolds. Together, they constructed the awe-inspiring citadel, a marvel of engineering that symbolizes the strength and cooperation of the two races. Thundertop Citadel's strategic location in the mountains granted the Dragonborn a strong defensive advantage, and it became the heart of their empire, serving as a center of trade, knowledge, and military prowess.   Throughout history, the Dragonborn leaders' ambitions often led them to challenge the free city of Nalukkhath. The Dragonborn's attempts to conquer Nalukkhath, a well-built and impregnable fortress, ended in failure due to the city's superior defenses and the tenacity of its inhabitants. Despite their rivalry, both cities played crucial roles in shaping the history of the Dragonborn in Aver.   Through the passage of time, the Dragonborn have faced trials, conflicts, and moments of greatness. Their history is a tapestry of heroism, cultural achievements, and a steadfast connection to their dragon heritage. As they continue to evolve, the Dragonborn remain resolute in preserving their traditions, safeguarding their ancestral lands, and shaping a promising future for the generations to come.

Common Myths and Legends

Throughout history, Dragonborn have passed down a myriad of myths and legends. These tales speak of ancient dragons, heroic deeds, and the origins of their subraces. The stories reinforce their cultural identity and inspire younger generations to embody the virtues of their ancestors.

Dragonborn have an extended lifespan compared to many humanoid races, typically living for several centuries. The exact duration varies among different Dragonborn subraces.
Average Height
On average, Dragonborn stand between 182 to 213 centimeters (6 to 7 feet) tall, with male individuals tending to be slightly taller than females.
Average Weight
Dragonborn have robust builds, and their weight typically ranges between 90 to 136 kilograms (200 to 300 pounds), varying based on their subrace and individual size.
Average Length
In addition to their height, Dragonborn with tails can reach lengths of 243 to 304 centimeters (8 to 10 feet), from the tip of their snout to the end of their tail.
Average Physique
Dragonborn have muscular and athletic physiques, providing them with both strength and agility. Their sturdy builds contribute to their impressive combat prowess.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonborn are covered in overlapping scales, with colors ranging from deep earth tones to vibrant hues that correspond to their elemental alignments. These scales may also feature intricate patterns and markings, which can vary widely between individuals.
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