Republic of Avernon Organization in The Continent Aver | World Anvil

Republic of Avernon


The government of The Republic of Avernon is the Republican Senate, a political body comprising representatives from every species in the land. The Councillor is the elected representative of this political body and holds executive power. The Councillor is chosen through a rotational system every two years, ensuring equal opportunities for all species to lead the nation.


Avernon's culture is a rich tapestry woven from the traditions, customs, and arts of its diverse inhabitants. The capital city, Avernon, epitomizes this cultural blend, showcasing festivals, music, and cuisine from various races.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of The Republic of Avernon is to maintain peace and harmony among its diverse population. Diplomatic solutions and defensive measures are prioritized over aggressive military actions. The republic seeks to foster positive relationships with neighboring lands, promoting mutual respect and cooperation.


The Republic of Avernon boasts rich farmlands, abundant natural resources, and a strategic location that facilitates trade and commerce. Its economic prosperity is fueled by the industrious spirit of its citizens.


438 CE: The Republic of Avernon is founded after the defeat of the old King in the first Avernon Wars. This turning point marked the end of a long period of conflict and division.   442 CE: The Republican Senate is established, providing equal representation for all species in the land. This historic decision marked the beginning of a new era of unity and cooperation.   450 CE: The temple of Elaine is built by refugee elves, sparking a religious renaissance within the city. The temple became a symbol of religious freedom, attracting followers of various faiths and fostering cultural exchange.   991 CE: The Empire of Tarrin starts its expansion North. The Senate sends an Ultimatum to stop this aggression with a rejection as an answer. This marks the start of the Republican War against the Empire of Tarrin.

Demography and Population

The population of The Republic of Avernon is primarily human, making it the largest ethnic group in the nation. However, every city in the republic has a mixed population, reflecting the nation's diversity. Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and other races live together in harmony, enriching each other's lives through cultural exchange.


The Republic of Avernon occupies a diverse and expansive territory. The capital city, Avernon, is situated at the heart of the nation, serving as the cultural and political hub. West Padva, located in the southwestern region, acts as the nation's unofficial seaport and a vital coastal town. Crayden, the second-largest city, stands as a strategic military base and economic center. The republic's territory extends from lush farmlands to dense forests, providing a rich and varied landscape for its inhabitants.


The Republican Army is a defensive force that primarily focuses on protecting The Republic of Avernon from external threats, including foreign invasions and piracy. It is not an aggressive military, and any decision to engage in warfare requires unanimous approval from all species in the Senate. The military is known for its disciplined and skilled soldiers who are trained to work together harmoniously despite their diverse backgrounds. Additionally, the second base of the military is located in the city of Crayden, bolstering the nation's defense capabilities.

Technological Level

The Republic of Avernon has achieved a moderate level of technological advancement. The nation's focus on education and collaboration between various species has led to groundbreaking achievements in several fields, including architecture, medicine, and agriculture.


he Republic of Avernon became a beacon of faith after the construction of the grand temple of Elaine. This magnificent temple, built by refugee Elves, became a symbol of religious tolerance and acceptance, attracting followers of various faiths. Avernon embraces freedom of religion, and the state does not adopt any official religion, allowing all to practice their beliefs freely.

Foreign Relations

The Republic of Avernon maintains good relations with every other country, except for the Holy Empire of Krynth and the Empire of Tarrin. The first Tarrin-Avernon War was fought due to the expansion of Tarrin into the Northern lands above the capital city of Tarrin. After hard-fought battles at the Silverflow River, which marks the natural border of Avernon with Tarrin, a white peace agreement was reached, designating the river as the natural border.


The laws of The Republic of Avernon are the written rules that guide the behavior of its populace. They cover various aspects such as crime, property, commerce, taxation, and more. The Republican Senate is responsible for creating and amending laws, ensuring that they reflect the values of unity and equality. The laws are documented in the Codex of Unity, a comprehensive legal code accessible to all citizens.

Agriculture & Industry

The Republic of Avernon is known for its fertile farmlands, which provide an abundance of crops to sustain its diverse population. The nation also boasts a growing industrial sector, including skilled artisans and craftsmen who contribute to the country's economic prosperity.

Trade & Transport

Avernon doesn't have direct access to sea ports. However, in the southwestern end of the territory, the original sea port of Avernon once stood. Over time, this location has transformed into West Padva, now the biggest seaport town of the Republic and unofficial sea port of Avernon. West Padva plays a crucial role in facilitating maritime trade and commerce for the nation, serving as a gateway to the sea.


The education system in Avernon is highly regarded, offering opportunities for all citizens to pursue knowledge and skills. Equal access to education ensures that every individual has the chance to contribute to the nation's growth.


Avernon boasts a well-developed infrastructure that supports its cities and towns. This includes well-maintained road networks, aqueducts, bridges, and other structures that enhance the quality of life for its citizens.

Mythology & Lore

The foundation of Avernon's religions is rooted in the ancient myths and stories of the land. These tales speak of the creation of the world, the heroes and gods who shaped history, and the significance of harmony and balance in the cosmos.

Divine Origins

The religious beliefs in Avernon have evolved over centuries, drawing inspiration from the ancient cultures of its various inhabitants. The teachings, beliefs, and sacrosanct rituals have been shaped through cultural exchanges and shared experiences.

Cosmological Views

According to Avernon's religious cosmology, the world and its creation are seen as interconnected with the divine. The balance between different elements and species is central to understanding the cosmos.

Tenets of Faith

The basic tenets of faith in Avernon revolve around tolerance, respect for all forms of life, and the pursuit of knowledge. These guiding principles emphasize coexistence and understanding among the diverse population


The extended rules and interpretations of the tenets of faith guide the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful. Avernon considers compassion, honesty, and integrity as virtues, while acts of cruelty and prejudice are seen as sins.


Worship in Avernon involves a wide range of rituals and practices, reflecting the diversity of its people. Temples and shrines dedicated to different deities can be found throughout the nation.


The priesthood in Avernon consists of individuals chosen based on their knowledge, wisdom, and dedication to their faith. They guide the faithful, offer spiritual counsel, and oversee religious ceremonies.

Granted Divine Powers

The priests of Avernon are granted the ability to commune with the divine and perform miracles. These powers are seen as blessings, reinforcing the connection between the mortal realm and the divine.

Political Influence & Intrigue

he religious institutions in Avernon have considerable influence on the nation's political fabric. They play a significant role in promoting peace and harmony among the various species and in mediating diplomatic relations.


Within the diverse religious landscape of Avernon, various sects and factions exist, each interpreting the faith's tenets differently. While some are embraced by the mainstream faith, others may be viewed with skepticism or even hostility.

"Unity in Diversity" - The motto of The Republic of Avernon embodies the nation's commitment to harmoniously coexisting as a diverse society. It represents their belief that the strength of the republic lies in the collective contributions of all.

Founding Date
The Republic of Avernon was founded in 438 CE after the conclusion of the first Avernon Wars. It marked a turning point in Avernon's history, transitioning from a monarchy to a democratic republic.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Avernon Republic, The Melting Pot of Aver, Abbreviation: TROA
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
  1. Avernon: The capital city and cultural heart of the republic, home to the grand temple of Elaine and the majestic Senate Hall. Avernon's diverse neighborhoods showcase the harmonious coexistence of various races.
  2. Aria: A peaceful village with a predominantly human populace, known for its serene ambiance and skilled artisans. Aria serves as a bridge between the elves and the rest of Avernon, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
  3. Crayden: The second-largest city of the Republic, predominantly inhabited by humans. Crayden serves as the second base for the military of Avernon, ensuring the nation's security.
The official currency of The Republic of Avernon is the "Unity Coin," symbolizing the diversity and unity of the nation. The coin features intricate engravings representing each species living in harmony. Avernon also uses the international Coin-System with copper, gold etc.
Major Exports
The Republic of Avernon exports a surplus of agricultural products, skilled craftsmanship, and cultural artifacts. These goods are in high demand in neighboring lands, contributing to the nation's economic strength.
Major Imports
While Avernon is largely self-sufficient, it does import certain goods to ensure its continuous growth and development. Luxury items and rare resources from distant lands find their way into Avernon through trade.
Legislative Body
The Republican Senate writes and passes laws that govern The Republic of Avernon. Each species has an equal say in shaping the nation's laws, fostering a sense of inclusivity and ensuring that no group's rights are marginalized.
Judicial Body
The Judicial Tribunal, composed of experienced judges and legal scholars, interprets and applies the laws to ensure justice is served impartially. The tribunal's commitment to fairness reinforces the republic's core values of equality and fairness.
Executive Body
The Councillor, elected every two years, holds executive power and oversees the implementation of laws and policies. The rotational system ensures that different species get an opportunity to lead, promoting cooperation, and strengthening the bonds between different communities.
Official Languages


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