Dwarfs Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Dwarves in Aver: Beneath the Mountains, Forge of Legends

      The Dwarves of Aver are a hardy and industrious race, hailing from the depths of the majestic mountains that rise like sentinels across the world. Renowned for their craftsmanship, resilience, and unyielding loyalty, Dwarves have left an indelible mark on the history of Aver. As the skilled artisans and miners of the realm, they are known for their magnificent underground cities, their mastery of metalworking, and their love for epic tales and songs.   Physical Characteristics:   Dwarves are stocky beings, known for their muscular builds and impressive endurance. Standing shorter than Humans and other races, their stout frames are well-suited for navigating the subterranean world they call home. Dwarves typically sport magnificent beards, a symbol of pride and a reflection of their cultural identity.   Cultural Traditions:   Proud of their heritage, Dwarves cherish their traditions and honor their ancestors. Family and clan ties are of utmost importance to them, and they forge strong bonds within their communities. The ancient halls of the Dwarven kingdoms echo with the songs and stories of their forefathers, and their epic sagas are passed down through generations.   The Forge and Craftsmanship:   Dwarves are unrivaled when it comes to craftsmanship. Their skill in forging exquisite weapons, armor, and intricate jewelry is legendary throughout Aver. From ornate heirlooms to powerful artifacts, Dwarven smiths imbue their creations with a touch of magic, making their handiwork highly sought after by all who appreciate quality and durability.   Strongholds in the Mountains:   Dwarven cities are marvels of engineering, hidden deep within the heart of towering mountains. Carved with precision and adorned with grandeur, these subterranean citadels stand as a testament to Dwarven ingenuity and dedication. Within their mountain halls, Dwarves thrive on mining precious minerals, crafting wondrous treasures, and fortifying their homes against any potential threat.   Relations with Other Races:   While Dwarves may appear reserved to outsiders, they are loyal and steadfast friends to those who earn their trust. They often form strong alliances with other races, especially Humans and Elves, who respect their craftsmanship and honor their oaths. However, Dwarves can be unyielding foes to those who threaten their homes or break their bonds of friendship.   Quest for Glory and Riches:   Dwarves are not immune to the allure of adventure and the thirst for glory. Many Dwarves leave their mountain homes to seek fame, fortune, or to embark on epic quests. They are formidable warriors, often wielding massive warhammers and axes, and their courage knows no bounds when faced with adversity.   Notable Figures:   The annals of Dwarven history are replete with tales of legendary heroes, visionary leaders, and renowned artisans. From mighty kings who led their people to victory in wars, to master craftsmen whose creations echo through time, Dwarves have carved their names in the annals of Aver's history.   Joining Adventuring Parties:   Dwarves are valued members of adventuring parties, often serving as stalwart defenders, skilled blacksmiths, or cunning strategists. Their unyielding determination, loyalty, and expertise in combat make them reliable companions in any perilous journey.   In Conclusion:   The Dwarves of Aver are a proud and tenacious race, fiercely guarding their traditions, their homes, and the treasures they unearth from the heart of the mountains. Their legacy as master craftsmen, warriors, and storytellers has left an enduring impact on the world of Aver, and their unwavering spirit continues to shape the fate of this ancient realm.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves mature at a slower rate than Humans, with their childhood extending into their second and sometimes even third decade. Their growth is steady and unhurried, shaping them into strong and capable individuals over time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves mature at a slower rate than Humans, with their childhood extending into their second and sometimes even third decade. Their growth is steady and unhurried, shaping them into strong and capable individuals over time.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves are deeply connected to the earth, finding solace in mountain ranges and subterranean realms. Their skill in stonework and mining has led them to craft magnificent underground cities and fortresses that blend seamlessly with the rugged landscapes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves have a hearty appetite, enjoying a diet that includes various meats, vegetables, and grains. Their culinary traditions often feature dishes cooked over open flames and paired with rich ales brewed in their mountain halls.

Biological Cycle

Dwarves, like other species in Aver, are influenced by seasonal changes and natural cycles. Their lives are intertwined with the shifting patterns of the earth and the passage of time, shaping their festivals and customs.


Dwarves are known for their determination and loyalty to their clans. They value honor, hard work, and a strong sense of community. Their deep respect for tradition and history is matched only by their unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and innovation.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarven society revolves around clans, tightly-knit groups bound by familial ties and shared heritage. Each clan has its unique traditions and ancestral crafts, contributing to the rich tapestry of Dwarven culture.

Facial characteristics

Dwarves possess distinctive facial features, including prominent brows, thick beards, and expressive eyes that reflect their emotions and determination.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dwarven communities are predominantly found in mountainous regions and subterranean complexes throughout Aver. Their expertise in mining and stonework draws them to regions rich in precious minerals and metals.

Average Intelligence

Dwarves display a sharp intellect and an aptitude for engineering and crafting. Their inquisitive minds, combined with their industrious nature, have led to the development of remarkable inventions and innovations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves possess keen senses, particularly sharp eyesight that serves them well in the dimly lit underground caverns they often inhabit. While not known for extrasensory powers, their remarkable craftsmanship and attunement to the earth allow them to detect subtle vibrations and changes in their surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarven naming traditions are rooted in honoring their ancestors and their crafts. Dwarves often receive their given names based on esteemed ancestors or renowned figures within their clan's lineage. These names are passed down through generations, connecting each Dwarf to their family's heritage. Their last names, or surnames, typically reflect their crafts or notable achievements. For instance, a skilled blacksmith may be named "Ironforge," while a master jeweler could be called "Gemcutter." These surnames are a source of immense pride for Dwarves, symbolizing the contributions they have made to their clan's legacy.   The act of naming is a solemn ceremony among Dwarves, held with great reverence and attended by family and community members. It is believed that a Dwarf's name carries with it the strength of their ancestors and the potential for greatness in their chosen craft.

Major Organizations

Dwarven society is organized into a network of powerful clans and guilds, each playing a vital role in the collective prosperity of their race. The clans form the bedrock of Dwarven social structure, with each one governed by a council of elders and skilled leaders. These councils make important decisions concerning matters of governance, trade, and defense. Within Dwarven cities, various guilds oversee specific crafts and trades. These guilds are responsible for maintaining high standards of craftsmanship, passing on traditional techniques, and encouraging innovation. Their influence spans across Aver, connecting distant Dwarven communities through a shared sense of identity and purpose.

Beauty Ideals

Dwarven beauty ideals are closely tied to their craftsmanship and artistry. They admire the intricacy and precision of finely crafted works, be it a masterfully forged weapon or an exquisitely cut gemstone. Dwarves take great pride in their appearance, ensuring that their beards and hair are well-groomed, reflecting the care they put into their craft. Their fashion incorporates practicality and elegance, with clothing designed for comfort and durability. Dwarves often adorn themselves with jewelry crafted by skilled artisans, signifying their status, achievements, or their craft's specialization.

Courtship Ideals

Dwarven courtship is a solemn affair, guided by the principles of unity and shared values. As Dwarves place great importance on their craft and community, courtship often begins with a mutual appreciation for one another's talents and contributions. Partnerships are forged through shared interests and a strong sense of camaraderie, strengthening the bonds between clans and guilds.

Relationship Ideals

Dwarven relationships are built on loyalty, trust, and a shared commitment to their family and community. Once Dwarves form a partnership, it is expected to be a lifelong commitment. They take their responsibilities as parents and mentors seriously, passing down their knowledge, skills, and values to the next generation.

Average Technological Level

The Dwarves' technological prowess is renowned throughout Aver. Their mastery of engineering, metalwork, and stonemasonry is unparalleled, and their inventions often blend magic and craftsmanship. They have constructed ingenious mechanisms, ranging from clockwork automatons to underground transportation systems, showcasing their inventive spirit.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Dwarven language, Khazalid, is a robust and complex tongue, filled with guttural sounds and intricate expressions. While Khazalid is widely spoken among Dwarves, variations and dialects have emerged over time, reflecting the diverse cultural practices and regional nuances within the Dwarven cities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Dwarves adhere to a strict code of conduct centered around respect, honor, and tradition. Visitors to Dwarven cities are expected to show respect for their craftsmanship and cultural heritage. Among Dwarves, greetings often include exchanging handshakes or clasping forearms, signifying camaraderie and trust.

Common Dress Code

Dwarven attire blends practicality with a sense of elegance. Clothing is designed to withstand the rigors of mining and crafting while still showcasing the craftsmanship of the Dwarven textile makers. Dwarves often wear intricate jewelry and accessories crafted from precious metals and gemstones, representing their pride in their craft and heritage.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dwarven culture revolves around a profound appreciation for craftsmanship, honor, and kinship. They celebrate their cultural heritage through grand feasts, storytelling, and festivals that honor their ancestors and their craft's milestones.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Dwarves uphold numerous customs and traditions tied to their craftsmanship and familial bonds. One such tradition involves a "Craftsman's Vigil," a rite of passage where young Dwarves spend days alone in the deep mines to connect with the earth's essence and gain insights into their chosen craft.

Common Taboos

Disrespect to one's ancestors or their crafts is considered a grave taboo among Dwarves. They hold their heritage in high regard and expect others to show reverence for their ancestors' contributions to Dwarven culture.   Among Dwarves, a unique and sacred tradition exists known as the "Grudge Book." This tome serves as a repository of recorded wrongs, grievances, and perceived slights committed against a Dwarf or their clan. The Grudge Book is a solemn and significant aspect of Dwarven culture, reflecting their sense of honor and commitment to justice. Dwarves take great care in meticulously documenting these grievances, ensuring that no slight, whether real or perceived, goes unaccounted for. When an offense is recorded in the Grudge Book, it becomes a matter of profound importance to the affected Dwarf and their clan. It represents an unfulfilled debt, a matter to be resolved, and a stain on their honor that demands rectification.   The Grudge Book is more than just a record; it is an oath of vengeance and a solemn promise to seek retribution for the wrongs suffered. Dwarves feel a deep sense of duty to settle these grudges, even if it takes years or decades to fulfill. The Grudge Book often spans generations, as each Dwarf is bound by their ancestors' unresolved grievances and their duty to avenge them.   The resolution of a grudge is a momentous occasion for Dwarves, often marked by a formal ceremony where the offense is publicly acknowledged and the offending party brought to account. In some cases, the retribution may involve a symbolic act, restitution, or an act of valor on behalf of the wronged clan. Once the grudge is settled, it is recorded as resolved in the Grudge Book, ensuring that future generations are aware of the restoration of honor and justice.   Dwarves view the Grudge Book as a means of upholding their society's principles and preserving the sanctity of their ancestral heritage. Disrespecting the Grudge Book, altering its contents, or dismissing the importance of settling grievances are considered grave taboos. Such actions are seen as an affront to the Dwarven sense of justice and honor, carrying severe consequences that may include expulsion from the clan or even exile.   The Grudge Book reinforces the bonds within Dwarven society, ensuring that every member stands united against any perceived injustice or wrong committed against their kin. As a result, Dwarves are known for their steadfast loyalty and commitment to their clans, bound by a sense of duty and the weight of their ancestors' unfulfilled grudges. The Grudge Book serves as a reminder of the importance of their shared history and the unbreakable ties that bind them as a resilient and proud people.


The history of Dwarves in Aver is intertwined with the rugged mountains they call home. From time immemorial, Dwarven clans have delved deep into the earth, mining precious metals and gemstones, and crafting magnificent works of art and engineering. Legends speak of a time when the first Dwarven ancestor, Durin Stoneheart, emerged from the heart of the mountains and laid the foundation for the grand tradition of Dwarven craftsmanship. As the ages passed, Dwarven clans flourished and founded mighty strongholds across the mountain ranges of Aver. Each clan guarded its traditions and ancestral forges with fierce pride. Yet, the Dwarves were not immune to conflict, and rivalries between clans sometimes erupted into wars over coveted territories or rare resources. Over the centuries, some Dwarven cities were lost to cataclysms or invaders, leaving echoes of their greatness in the annals of history.   Despite the challenges they faced, the Dwarves endured, unified by their shared heritage and the unyielding spirit that defined them. They excelled in the creation of intricate stone architecture, intricate metalwork, and innovative machinery, establishing trade networks that stretched far beyond their mountainous borders. In times of need, Dwarven artisans would craft legendary weapons and armor, becoming a formidable force in defending their homelands.   In the current age, Dwarven cities stand as beacons of craftsmanship and innovation, welcoming travelers and traders from all corners of Aver. The Dwarves maintain a thriving relationship with their allies, particularly the Gnomes, with whom they share a deep bond of ingenuity and invention. Additionally, their alliance with the Haflings and Gnomes played a crucial role in the construction of the Free City of Nalukkhath's impregnable walls, forming a testament to the union of their collective expertise.

Historical Figures

  • Durin Stoneheart: The first ancestor of the Dwarves, Durin Stoneheart, is celebrated as the visionary leader who emerged from the heart of the mountains and laid the foundation for Dwarven civilization. His mastery over the forge and craftsmanship inspired generations of Dwarven artisans.
  • Gimlar Battlehammer: A legendary warrior and ruler, Gimlar Battlehammer united feuding Dwarven clans under his banner, forging a powerful kingdom that prospered through his reign. His enchanted hammer, crafted by his own hands, became a symbol of his strength and leadership.
  • Thrain Ironfist: Renowned for his exceptional skill in metalwork, Thrain Ironfist was a master blacksmith whose creations were sought after by kings and adventurers alike. His legacy endures in the legendary artifacts that bear his name.

Common Myths and Legends

Dwarven myths and legends tell tales of Durin Stoneheart, the first ancestor who emerged from the mountains and shaped the world. Other legends recount the forging of enchanted weapons and artifacts that played significant roles in Aver's history.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Dwarves maintain strong alliances with the Haflings and Gnomes, forming a bond of mutual respect and admiration. Their collective expertise in architecture and engineering played a pivotal role in the construction of the Free City of Nalukkhath's impenetrable walls, a testament to their combined ingenuity and skill.

Dwarves live longer than Humans, with lifespans averaging around 250 to 300 years. Their extended years grant them extensive wisdom and experience, contributing to their reputation as timeless artisans and strategists.
Average Height
Dwarves are shorter in stature compared to Humans, standing between 120 to 150 centimeters (4 to 5 feet) tall. Their compact build, however, belies their formidable strength and resilience.
Average Weight
Dwarves tend to have a stocky and robust build, with an average weight of 70 to 100 kilograms (150 to 220 pounds), making them solid and sturdy beings.
Average Physique
Dwarves boast a solid and muscular physique, well-suited to the physically demanding tasks they undertake daily. Their strength and endurance are invaluable assets in both crafting and combat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dwarves exhibit a range of skin tones, often reflecting the natural hues of their mountainous habitats. Their hair and beard colors span a spectrum from deep brown to fiery red, showcasing the unique individuality within their communities.
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