Gnomes Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Gnomes of Aver: Keepers of Curiosity and Marvels

      The Gnomes of Aver are a diminutive and inventive race, driven by boundless curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore the wonders of the world. With their keen intellect and mischievous charm, Gnomes are natural inventors, scholars, and tinkerers. Despite their small stature, they leave a significant mark on Aver's history through their ingenuity, creativity, and whimsical approach to life. Physical Characteristics: Gnomes are small in stature, often reaching no taller than three to four feet. Their childlike features, including bright eyes and rosy cheeks, add to their endearing appeal. Despite their size, Gnomes possess surprising strength and agility, making them adept at navigating the intricate landscapes of their mechanical inventions.   Inventive Minds and Tinkerers:   Gnomish society is centered around a passion for invention and experimentation. They are always seeking to improve upon existing designs or create entirely new gadgets that make life more fascinating and efficient. Whether it's crafting clockwork contraptions, magical trinkets, or alchemical concoctions, Gnomes excel in bringing their innovative ideas to life.   Love for Stories and Knowledge:   Gnomes have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They are avid collectors of stories, folklore, and obscure trivia. Their love for learning extends to both the arcane and the mundane, and their libraries are treasure troves of ancient tomes and contemporary research.   Enclaves of Marvels:   Gnomish communities are nestled in hidden enclaves, often concealed in dense forests or within mountains. Their settlements are architectural marvels, featuring a blend of organic elements and whimsical mechanical structures. Gnomish cities are renowned for their bustling marketplaces, where the latest inventions and curiosities are showcased.   Playfulness and Pranks:   Gnomes have a playful and mischievous nature that brings a lighthearted touch to their interactions with others. Their humor often leans towards practical jokes and clever pranks, which they execute with good-natured glee. Despite this, they are kind-hearted beings who value friendship and camaraderie.   Relations with Other Races:   Gnomes maintain friendly relationships with most other races, as their inquisitive and helpful demeanor endears them to others. They share a particularly close bond with Dwarves due to their mutual interest in craftsmanship and tinkering. However, they might occasionally find themselves misunderstood by more serious-minded races.   Quest for Discovery and Exploration:   The Gnomes' insatiable curiosity drives them to embark on grand adventures and quests of discovery. They eagerly seek out unexplored regions, forgotten ruins, and ancient artifacts, driven by a desire to uncover hidden knowledge and unravel the mysteries of the world.   Notable Figures:   Gnomish history is adorned with renowned inventors, revered scholars, and legendary pranksters. The names of these brilliant individuals echo through time, inspiring the next generation of Gnomish prodigies.   Joining Adventuring Parties:   Gnomes are welcome additions to any adventuring party, bringing their ingenuity and resourcefulness to bear in various situations. Their expertise in tinkering and magic often makes them valuable allies, and their light-hearted nature can lighten the mood during perilous journeys.   In Conclusion:   The Gnomes of Aver are a whimsical and imaginative race, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the creation of marvelous inventions. With their playful spirits and boundless curiosity, they bring a unique charm to the world. As the keepers of Aver's marvels, Gnomes ensure that the realms remain a place of wonder and delightful surprises for generations to come.

Basic Information


Gnomes are a diminutive race known for their small stature, averaging between 3 to 3.5 feet tall. They possess proportionally large heads, expressive eyes, and long, pointed ears that give them a charming appearance. Agile and dexterous, their nimble fingers are well-suited for intricate craftsmanship and delicate tasks. Gnomes typically have a long lifespan, reaching up to 350 years.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes reproduce through viviparous gestation, and their pregnancy period lasts for about eight months. They usually give birth to one or two offspring at a time. Gnomish offspring are born with a sense of curiosity and an innate knack for creativity, traits that are highly valued in their society.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes mature at a relatively steady pace, reaching adulthood around the age of 40. They undergo various life stages, each marked by significant achievements in their respective professions. Gnomes are known for their remarkable progress in magical and engineering pursuits as they age.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes thrive in diverse environments, but they feel most at home in wooded areas, lush forests, and underground caverns. They are attuned to the natural world, forming harmonious bonds with animals and magical creatures. Some Gnomes have adapted to living in cities and urban environments, where their creativity and inventiveness flourish.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes are omnivorous, with a diet consisting of a variety of foods. They enjoy fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables, as well as meat and dairy products. Gnomes are known for their culinary skills, experimenting with unique flavors and recipes. They also have a penchant for brewing and crafting various beverages, including renowned Gnomish ales.

Biological Cycle

Gnomes are affected by the passing of time and seasonal changes like any other race. During the changing seasons, they often engage in festivities and celebrations to honor nature and their ancestral traditions. Some Gnomes may experience periods of heightened creativity during specific seasons, contributing to the advancement of their society's technological prowess.


Gnomes are known for their playful and curious nature. They possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a relentless desire to explore and discover. Their inquisitive minds drive them to delve into arcane arts, engineering, and alchemy. Gnomes have a natural affinity for building intricate machinery and crafting magical devices, earning them a reputation as innovators and inventors.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnomish society revolves around close-knit communities, where families and clans form the backbone of their social structure. They highly value camaraderie, cooperation, and mutual support, which fosters a strong sense of community

Facial characteristics

Gnomes have expressive eyes that come in various shades of blue, green, and brown. They also have prominent cheekbones and small, button-like noses. Their facial features exude a sense of cheerfulness and charm.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomes can be found in various regions of Aver, but they prefer settling in woodlands, forests, and underground tunnels near mountain ranges. They have established small, tight-knit communities in these areas, living in harmony with the natural surroundings.

Average Intelligence

Gnomes are highly intelligent beings, often gifted with exceptional cognitive abilities. Their affinity for magic and innovation showcases their remarkable intellect.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes have acute senses, particularly in hearing and sight. Their keen eyesight allows them to see even in dimly lit environments, while their sharp ears can detect faint sounds and vibrations. Additionally, some Gnomes possess a limited ability for extrasensory perception, often manifested as an innate affinity for elemental magic or connections to the natural world.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Gnomish society is built around various artisan and engineering guilds, where skilled individuals collaborate on groundbreaking projects. The "Guild of Artificers" is renowned for its contribution to the advancement of arcane inventions, while the "Order of Nature's Keepers" focuses on preserving the balance between nature and technology.

Beauty Ideals

Gnomish beauty ideals are linked to creativity and ingenuity. Gnomes appreciate individuals who showcase exceptional talents, whether in magic, invention, or artistic expression. Their distinctive appearance and innovative prowess are celebrated as expressions of beauty.

Courtship Ideals

Gnomes approach courtship with a blend of whimsy and pragmatism. They value partners who share their passion for exploration and creativity. Courtship often involves elaborate displays of craftsmanship or magical feats to impress potential suitors.

Relationship Ideals

Gnomes prioritize mutual respect, trust, and shared interests in their relationships. They form strong emotional bonds with their chosen partners, and loyalty is highly valued. Gnomes prefer partnerships that encourage personal growth and the pursuit of knowledge.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes have achieved an impressive technological level, harnessing both magic and engineering to create marvelous inventions. Their advanced machinery, enchanted devices, and ingenious constructions have contributed significantly to Aver's progress.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomish language, known as "Glimeran," is a lilting and melodic tongue. It is characterized by a rapid flow of syllables and an intricate array of musical tones. Gnomes also have a natural affinity for understanding the languages of elemental beings and magical creatures.

Common Etiquette Rules

Gnomish etiquette emphasizes hospitality, creativity, and the sharing of knowledge. Gnomes value courteous exchanges, especially during gatherings and social events. They often present handmade gifts or inventions as tokens of goodwill.

Common Dress Code

Gnomes favor clothing that is both practical and stylish. They often wear vibrant and intricate garments adorned with magical symbols or artisanal designs. Gnomish fashion embraces individuality and often reflects the wearer's personality and achievements.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Gnomish culture revolves around their love for invention, exploration, and the pursuit of knowledge. They celebrate their history through storytelling, preserving tales of great inventors, daring adventurers, and legendary magical feats.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Gnomish customs include various festivals and celebrations dedicated to nature, magic, and technological achievements. These events serve as opportunities for Gnomes to showcase their latest inventions, exchange knowledge, and strengthen social bonds.

Common Taboos

Gnomes consider recklessness and misuse of magic or technology as taboo. They hold great respect for nature and discourage any practices that may upset its delicate balance. Disrespecting artistic or creative pursuits is also considered offensive within their society

Historical Figures

  • Archmage Calidorn the Artificer: A legendary Gnomish inventor and master of magical constructs, Calidorn revolutionized Gnomish engineering. His legacy lives on through the wondrous creations he brought to life, including the legendary automaton "Aurelius."
  • Dalia Silverglade, the Green Weaver: An esteemed druid and wise guardian of Gnomish nature, Dalia's magical abilities to commune with the natural world earned her respect and admiration. She played a pivotal role in establishing a harmonious coexistence between Gnomes and the forest denizens.
  • Zander Gearforge, the Clockmaster: Renowned for his groundbreaking advancements in timekeeping and clockwork mechanisms, Zander's inventions helped synchronize Gnomish societies and enhance precision in various fields.
  • Alaria Fireblade, the Elemental Enchantress: A prodigious Gnomish sorceress, Alaria's mastery over elemental magic earned her the title of "Fireblade." Her extraordinary talent for enchanting and imbuing objects with elemental power left a lasting impact on Gnomish magical practices.

Common Myths and Legends

Gnomish myths are intertwined with the wonders of magic and technological wonders. Legends tell of legendary artifacts, hidden places of great power, and ancient Gnomish heroes who forged alliances with elemental beings and magical creatures.

Gnomes have a remarkably long lifespan, often living up to 350 years. Their extended years grant them extensive experience and wisdom, which contributes to their prominence in the fields of magic and invention.
Average Height
Gnomes stand between 3 to 3.5 feet tall, making them one of the shorter races in Aver.
Average Weight
Gnomes are relatively lightweight, with their weight ranging from 40 to 50 pounds.
Average Physique
Gnomes possess a lean and agile physique, well-suited for their adventurous and inquisitive nature
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gnomes have diverse skin tones, ranging from pale peach to rich tan. Their hair comes in various shades, including silver, blonde, brown, and black. They often sport vibrant hair colors, experimenting with dyes and styles to reflect their creative personalities.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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