Kobolds Species in The Continent Aver | World Anvil


Kobolds: The Keepers of the Underground Realm

  Kobolds are a diminutive and resourceful race of reptilian humanoids that dwell in the shadowy depths of Aver. Standing between 1 to 1.2 meters tall, their scaled bodies blend seamlessly with the earthy hues of their subterranean homes. Possessing sharp minds and keen night vision, Kobolds thrive in dark environments, navigating labyrinthine tunnels and underground caverns with ease. Known for their ingenuity and mechanical prowess, they have crafted an array of intricate devices and traps that safeguard their hidden communities. Though often misunderstood by surface-dwelling races, Kobolds remain fiercely loyal to their kin and have forged a lasting alliance with the mighty Dragonborn, contributing to the construction of the grand Thundertop Citadel, the heart of the Draconic Empire in the northern mountains. Through the ages, their history is etched in the stone, and their legacy as guardians of the subterranean realms endures, bound to the very core of Aver's underground landscape.

Basic Information


Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids, standing around 1 to 1.2 meters tall. Their scaled bodies feature colors ranging from deep reds to earthy browns and greens, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their underground homes. Their eyes, adapted to dim light, possess a keen sensitivity to detect even the slightest movement.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kobolds reproduce through laying eggs, typically within their communal dens. They are known for their large clutch sizes, ensuring the survival of their species in the face of harsh conditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kobolds reach maturity quickly, often within a few years of hatching. They undergo various life stages similar to most reptiles, including egg, hatchling, juvenile, and adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Kobolds prefer to dwell in underground caverns and tunnels, where they forge intricate networks of interconnected burrows. These subterranean homes provide safety, warmth, and protection from the outside world.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kobolds are omnivores, subsisting on a diet of roots, insects, small mammals, and fungi. They are skilled hunters and foragers, using their cunning and resourcefulness to secure sustenance.

Biological Cycle

Kobolds are influenced by the changing conditions of their subterranean habitats. Their scales may shift in color to blend with the environment, aiding them in camouflage and stealth.


Kobolds are renowned for their ingenuity and resourcefulness. While cautious around outsiders, they exhibit fierce loyalty to their kin and leaders. Their societies are often structured around a hierarchical system, with strong respect for authority

Additional Information

Social Structure

Kobold society is typically structured around tribes or clans, led by chieftains or religious figures. They work together for the survival of their community, relying on each other's strengths to overcome challenges.

Facial characteristics

Kobolds have reptilian facial features, with elongated snouts, sharp teeth, and slit-like pupils that provide enhanced night vision.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kobolds are scattered throughout the subterranean realms of Aver, establishing hidden settlements within underground caverns and tunnels.

Average Intelligence

Kobolds possess sharp minds, well-suited for adapting to their ever-changing subterranean environments.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kobolds possess exceptional night vision, enabling them to navigate through dark subterranean passages with ease. They are adept at detecting vibrations in the earth, alerting them to approaching dangers or intruders.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Kobolds form tight-knit tribal communities, often forming alliances or rivalries with other underground-dwelling races.

Beauty Ideals

Kobolds appreciate cunning, resourcefulness, and loyalty among their kin, valuing these qualities above physical appearances

Courtship Ideals

Kobolds seek partners who can contribute to the strength and prosperity of their tribe, often demonstrating their worth through cunning or feats of survival.

Relationship Ideals

Kobolds value loyalty and cooperation in relationships, expecting support and camaraderie from their chosen partners.

Average Technological Level

Kobolds are resourceful inventors, relying on their ingenuity to create a wide array of mechanical devices and traps.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Kobolds have their own language, a blend of guttural sounds and hisses, often intermingled with clicks and snarls.

Common Etiquette Rules

Kobolds demonstrate respect for their chieftains and elders, and they hold their traditions and customs in high regard.

Common Dress Code

Kobolds prefer practical and functional clothing, often made from materials readily available in their underground environments.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Kobolds' culture revolves around survival, resourcefulness, and unity, with a strong emphasis on tribal identity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Kobolds hold celebrations to honor the changing of seasons and engage in rituals to venerate their ancestors and underground spirits.

Common Taboos

Kobolds avoid betraying their tribe and breaking the trust of their kin. They also refrain from harming other kobolds, unless sanctioned by their tribe's authority.


The history of Kobolds is a tale woven through the stone and shadows of Aver's underground realms. From their humble beginnings, they have flourished and endured, forming close-knit communities that adapted to the ever-changing tides of the subterranean landscape. While often misunderstood and feared by surface-dwelling races, the Kobolds' tenacious spirits have left indelible marks on the subterranean tapestry of Aver. As descendants of the ancient reptilian creatures, the Kobolds emerged in the depths of the world, developing adaptive traits to thrive in the darkness. Over time, their cunning minds and nimble physiques enabled them to navigate the labyrinthine tunnels and forge communities within the heart of the earth. Faced with challenges and hardships, they devised unique mechanical wonders, showcasing their resourcefulness and inventiveness.   Despite their solitary existence, Kobolds formed a symbiotic relationship with the majestic Dragonborn. The two races recognized the mutual benefits of cooperation and protection. The Dragonborn, with their towering presence and formidable strength, offered protection and guidance to the Kobolds. In return, the Kobolds' unparalleled engineering skills contributed to the construction of Thundertop Citadel, a magnificent stronghold nestled in the mountains of the north. Thundertop Citadel became the beating heart of the Draconic Empire, where the Dragonborn rulers and the leaders of the Kobold tribes forged a bond that endured through generations.   In the annals of history, Thundertop Citadel became a testament to the unity between the Dragonborn and the Kobolds. The stronghold's impregnable walls, fortified by the best engineers of both races, solidified its position as the capital of the Draconic Empire. The combined ingenuity of the Dragonborn and the Kobolds resulted in a bastion of strength, harmonizing the fiery passion of the Dragonborn with the unyielding determination of the Kobolds.   As the Draconic Empire flourished, the Kobolds thrived beneath the watchful eyes of their Dragonborn allies. Their underground networks expanded, linking vast subterranean cities and towns with Thundertop Citadel as the beating heart of their civilization. It was during this time that the Kobolds' remarkable mechanical inventions grew in complexity and grandeur, impressing even the most skeptical of their surface-dwelling neighbors.   However, as the shadows of time cast their veil, the Draconic Empire faced challenges that tested the mettle of both races. The rise of external threats and internal dissent strained the alliance between the Dragonborn and the Kobolds. Despite the hardships, the unbreakable bond forged by generations of cooperation endured, and the two races persisted, drawing strength from their shared history and mutual respect.   In the present age, the Kobolds and Dragonborn continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of Aver. Thundertop Citadel stands tall, a testament to their enduring alliance and a symbol of unity among diverse races. The legacy of the Kobolds remains deeply entwined with the history of the Draconic Empire, and their contributions to the realm beneath the surface continue to shape the course of Aver's unfolding narrative. As time marches forward, the whispers of the underground forge a new chapter for the Kobolds, one that embodies their indomitable spirit, ingenuity, and unwavering determination to thrive in the heart of the earth.

Common Myths and Legends

Kobold myths and legends often revolve around revered leaders, legendary inventions, and the spirits that watch over their underground homes.

Scientific Name
Kobolds are classified under the Phylum Chordata, Class Reptilia, Order Draconia, Family Koboldidae, Genus Terra, and Species Kobold.
Kobolds have relatively short lifespans compared to many humanoid races, typically living up to 60 years.
Average Height
Kobolds stand between 1 to 1.2 meters tall.
Average Weight
Kobolds have lightweight frames, weighing between 15 to 25 kilograms.
Average Physique
Kobolds have agile and nimble physiques, allowing them to traverse narrow tunnels and navigate underground terrain with ease.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kobolds display a range of colors, often adapting to match the hues of their underground dwellings for camouflage purposes.
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