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Ar-Larakh is the god of vengeance and retribution in the House of Darkness. He is often depicted as a fearsome figure, with a muscular and imposing physique. His eyes are said to be fiery and intense, and his skin is a dark, shadowy black. He wears armor made of dark metal, and carries a greatsword that is said to be imbued with his own dark power.   Ar-Larakh is seen as a god of justice, but his version of justice is often brutal and unforgiving. He is said to take vengeance upon those who have wronged his followers, and is invoked by those seeking to right a perceived injustice. However, he is also seen as a god of strength and determination, and his followers often draw upon his power to overcome their enemies and obstacles.

Divine Domains

Ar-Larakh is the God of Vengeance and Retribution. His followers believe that justice must be served, and those who have wronged others should face punishment for their actions. He is also associated with the concept of "an eye for an eye," where retribution should be equal to the harm caused.   Ar-Larakh is often invoked in legal disputes or when someone seeks revenge for a wrongdoing. His followers believe that justice must be served, and that it is their duty to see it done. They also believe that vengeance can be a form of healing and closure for those who have been wronged, allowing them to move on from the trauma inflicted upon them.

Tenets of Faith

As the god of vengeance and retribution, Ar-Larakh's tenets of faith emphasize the importance of justice and balance. His followers believe that wrongdoing must be met with appropriate punishment, and they strive to ensure that those who have committed acts of evil are held accountable for their actions. The following are some of the tenets that Ar-Larakh's followers live by:   1. Justice must be served: Ar-Larakh's followers believe that all wrongdoing must be met with appropriate punishment. They strive to ensure that justice is served and that those who have committed acts of evil are held accountable for their actions.   2. Revenge is a dish best served cold: Ar-Larakh's followers believe that vengeance must be exacted in a careful and deliberate manner. They are patient and methodical in their pursuit of justice, and they believe that revenge is a dish best served cold.   3. Balance is key: Ar-Larakh's followers believe in the importance of balance. They believe that justice must be tempered with mercy and that vengeance must be tempered with restraint. They strive to maintain balance in all things and to avoid being consumed by their desire for revenge.   4. Respect the dead: Ar-Larakh's followers believe that the dead must be respected and that their memory must be honored. They believe that the spirits of the dead must be allowed to rest in peace and that their final wishes must be respected.   5. Serve the greater good: Ar-Larakh's followers believe that their pursuit of justice and vengeance must be in service of the greater good. They strive to ensure that their actions benefit society as a whole and that their pursuit of justice does not lead to further harm.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As the God of Vengeance and Retribution, Ar-Larakh seeks to balance the scales of justice through brutal and ruthless means. His divine goal is to ensure that justice is served, no matter the cost or collateral damage. He believes that wrongdoers must be punished severely and without mercy, and he takes pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on those who have wronged others.   In addition to his focus on justice, Ar-Larakh is a fierce protector of the weak and oppressed. He believes that the only way to defend them is through extreme violence, and he is not afraid to use his powers to crush anyone who would harm the innocent. He takes great joy in punishing those who abuse their power, and his wrath is swift and unrelenting. Overall, Ar-Larakh's divine goals are to promote justice and protect the vulnerable, but he believes that the only way to achieve these goals is through ruthless and brutal means.
Divine Classification
New god


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