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The House of Darkness

The House of Darkness is the counterpart of the House of Light, and its leader is Morlorrim, the Lord of Darkness. The House of Darkness is associated with death, decay, deception, trickery, seduction, and temptation. The gods of the House of Darkness include Tallith, the god of Death and Decay, Ennk, the god of Deception and Trickery, Timarth, the goddess of Seduction and Temptation, Morana, the goddess of Night and Shadows, and Ar-Larakh, the god of Vengeance and Retribution. The demons of the House of Darkness include Kordenk, the demon of Lust and Desire, Jallasha, the demon of Greed and Envy, Mellan, the demon of Sloth and Indolence, Ofrack, the demon of Wealth and Materialism, and Dolkhara, the archdemon of Wrath and Aggression.   The House of Darkness is known for its mysterious and foreboding nature, as well as its focus on the darker aspects of life. Its followers believe that darkness is not inherently evil, but rather a necessary and integral part of the world. They believe that death is not an end, but rather a transition to a new state of being, and that the shadows offer protection and sanctuary from the harshness of the world. The House of Darkness is often associated with the night, and its followers are known for their nocturnal rituals and practices. The House of Darkness is often feared and misunderstood by outsiders, who view its followers as sinister and malevolent.

Divine Origins

The origins of the House of Darkness are shrouded in mystery, and its followers often keep their rituals and beliefs hidden from outsiders. Legend has it that the House of Darkness was born from the shadows of the first creation, when Morlorrim emerged from the darkness to challenge Annaaru, Lady of Light. Morlorrim gathered the most powerful and twisted gods to his side, creating the House of Darkness as a counterbalance to the House of Light. Its gods and demons are believed to have come from the darkest corners of the world, embodying the most primal and destructive aspects of existence.   Morlorrim, the Lord of Darkness, is the head of the House of Darkness, and his followers see him as the ultimate embodiment of chaos and destruction. The other gods of the House of Darkness serve Morlorrim and embody different aspects of darkness and evil. Tallith, God of Death and Decay, embodies the inevitability of death and decay that awaits all living things. Ennk, God of Deception and Trickery, delights in the confusion and chaos that his schemes cause. Timarth, Goddess of Seduction and Temptation, seduces and corrupts the purest of hearts. Morana, Goddess of Night and Shadows, lurks in the darkness, waiting to pounce on her unsuspecting prey. Ar-Larakh, God of Vengeance and Retribution, brings swift and brutal retribution to those who have wronged the House of Darkness.   The demons of the House of Darkness are believed to be Morlorrim's minions, created to carry out his will and spread chaos and destruction throughout the world. Each demon represents a different aspect of darkness and evil, tempting mortals to embrace their worst impulses and desires. Kordenk, Demon of Lust and Desire, preys on the weakness of mortals, tempting them with forbidden pleasures. Jallasha, Demon of Greed and Envy, stokes the fires of ambition and greed, driving mortals to do whatever it takes to get ahead. Mellan, Demon of Sloth and Indolence, saps the willpower and energy of mortals, making them lethargic and apathetic. Ofrack, Demon of Wealth and Materialism, convinces mortals that material possessions are the key to happiness and success. Dolkhara, Archdemon of Wrath and Aggression, embodies the most destructive aspects of anger and rage, driving mortals to lash out in violent ways.

Tenets of Faith

The House of Darkness has a fundamentally different set of beliefs from the House of Light. The followers of the House of Darkness believe in the power of darkness, chaos, and destruction, and that these are necessary for true freedom and individuality. The following are some of the tenets of faith that guide the followers of the House of Darkness:   1. Embrace the power of darkness: Darkness is not something to be feared or shunned, but rather to be embraced and celebrated. The followers of the House of Darkness believe that darkness is a natural force that is needed to balance the light.   2. Embrace chaos and change: The followers of the House of Darkness believe that order and stability are illusions that restrict freedom and individuality. Chaos and change are essential for growth and self-discovery.   3. Embrace personal power: The followers of the House of Darkness believe that individuals are responsible for their own fate and should strive to attain personal power and mastery over their own lives.   4. Embrace death: Death is not something to be feared or avoided, but rather to be embraced as a natural part of the cycle of life. The followers of the House of Darkness believe that death leads to rebirth and renewal.   5. Embrace the demons: The demons of the House of Darkness are not evil, but rather represent the darker aspects of human nature. The followers of the House of Darkness believe that by embracing the demons, they can better understand themselves and achieve true freedom.


The ethics of the House of Darkness are centered around individualism, ambition, and self-interest. The faithful are encouraged to pursue their desires and interests without being hindered by morality or societal norms. The House of Darkness teaches that power, wealth, and pleasure are the ultimate goals of life and that one should do whatever it takes to attain them.   In contrast to the House of Light's emphasis on selflessness and compassion, the House of Darkness prioritizes the attainment of one's own desires and goals above all else. This includes using deception, manipulation, and violence if necessary to achieve one's ends. The House of Darkness encourages its followers to be ruthless in their pursuit of power, and those who are successful in this pursuit are celebrated and rewarded.


Worship in the House of Darkness is a solemn and often disturbing affair. The faithful gather in dark and shadowy spaces, lit only by candles and torches, and often in the presence of an altar or sacrificial table. The rituals are highly secretive, known only to the most devout members of the faith, and often involve dark magic and blood sacrifice.   During worship, the faithful may chant prayers or incantations, perform rituals or spells, or offer sacrifices to the gods and demons of the House of Darkness. These sacrifices may be physical offerings, such as animals or even humans, or symbolic offerings such as precious stones or rare herbs.   In addition to regular worship, the faithful of the House of Darkness may also undertake personal practices such as meditation or divination. These practices are often used to gain insight or guidance from the gods and demons, or to deepen one's connection to the darker aspects of the world.   Overall, worship in the House of Darkness is a deeply personal and often frightening experience, but one that is considered essential to connecting with the divine forces that govern the universe.


As the House of Darkness is shrouded in secrecy, its priesthood operates in a similarly clandestine manner. Priests and priestesses of the House of Darkness often operate as a cult-like group, with a hierarchical structure and strict rules and rituals.   Initiates seeking to become part of the priesthood are subjected to a rigorous and often dangerous initiation process, involving physical and mental trials that test their devotion and commitment to the House of Darkness. Once initiated, priests and priestesses are required to uphold strict codes of conduct, including secrecy, obedience, and the willingness to carry out dark deeds in service of the House.   Dark rituals and sacrifices are common in the worship of the House of Darkness, with blood and death often used as offerings to the gods. The priesthood is responsible for leading and conducting these rituals, often in hidden or secluded locations away from prying eyes.   Overall, the priesthood of the House of Darkness operates in a way that prioritizes secrecy, devotion, and the pursuit of power and knowledge through dark means.   The highest ranking member of the Cult of Morlorrim is the High Priest or High Priestess know as the Dark Oracle. Their role is to lead and direct the cult's activities, as well as to serve as a direct conduit to Morlorrim and his unfathomable will.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The House of Darkness is known for its political intrigue and manipulation. Its priests often use their knowledge of dark magic and secrets to gain power and influence over others. They are masters of espionage and subterfuge, and often work in the shadows to achieve their goals.   The House of Darkness is also known for its ruthlessness. Its followers are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their aims, even if it means resorting to violence or treachery. They have been known to manipulate events from behind the scenes, orchestrating assassinations and coups to further their own ends.   Despite their reputation for secrecy and manipulation, the House of Darkness has gained a significant amount of power and influence in many regions of the world. Its followers often hold high positions in government and other institutions, and their influence is felt in many aspects of society.


The Cult of Morlorrim is a secretive and fanatical organization devoted to the worship and service of Morlorrim, the All-See'er. The cult is known for its extreme beliefs and practices, which include human sacrifice, blood magic, and the use of forbidden artifacts.   The cult sees itself as the chosen servants of Morlorrim and is dedicated to bringing about his physical manifestation in the mortal realm. The ultimate goal of the cult is to break down the barrier between the mortal realm and the realm of the divine, thereby allowing Morlorrim to dominate and rule over all.   Members of the cult are fanatically devoted to Morlorrim and are willing to do whatever it takes to bring about his physical manifestation. They believe that by doing so, they will receive Morlorrim's divine favor and will be granted eternal life as his loyal servants.   The cult operates in secret, with its members infiltrating positions of power and influence throughout the mortal realm. They are known to use manipulation, coercion, and even assassination to achieve their goals.   The cult's extreme beliefs and practices have made it a target of persecution by other houses and organizations throughout the mortal realm. Despite this, the cult remains steadfast in its devotion to Morlorrim and is willing to do whatever it takes to bring about his physical manifestation and ultimate victory.   The Cult of Blood, a sect that believes that blood is the key to unlocking the true power of the House of Darkness. They perform blood rituals and sacrifices to appease their gods and gain power.   The Cult of the Undying is a sect that is obsessed with immortality and the undead. They believe that by becoming undead themselves, they can serve the House of Darkness for eternity.
Religious, Pantheon
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Patrik Rosander


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