Second Battle of Ferling Military Conflict in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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Second Battle of Ferling

On 22 Noveron, 1243, on their way they encounter the Domari force that was headed for Ferling. Just as the battle started the armies of the Southern Lords arrive at the field. The army of Granvalle suffers a disastrous defeat and retreat to Derbot.

The Conflict


In the Second Battle of Ferling, the Domar forces took advantage of the terrain to set up their defenses. They positioned their infantry in a tight formation at the center, with archers on either side and cavalry on the flanks. The infantry was armed with long spears and shields, while the archers had bows and arrows. The cavalry was equipped with swords and lances, and was prepared to charge at the enemy.   On the other side, Duke Reginald V deployed his forces in a similar fashion, with his infantry in the center and cavalry on the flanks. However, he kept his archers behind the infantry, ready to provide covering fire. The Duke was well aware of the Domar's reputation as fierce fighters, and took care to position his troops carefully to avoid being flanked.   Both sides deployed their troops cautiously, aware that any mistake could lead to disaster. The stage was set for a fierce battle, as the two sides eyed each other warily, waiting for the first move.

The Engagement

Both sides advanced towards each other, with the Domar forces slowly moving forward to engage the Duke's army. As they closed in, the Duke's archers let loose a volley of arrows, aiming for the enemy's archers and cavalry.   The Domar archers returned fire, but the Duke's archers had the advantage of range and accuracy, and their arrows found their targets. Many Domar archers and cavalrymen were hit and fell from their mounts, causing chaos in their ranks.   Undeterred, the Domar infantry continued their advance, closing in on the Duke's lines. The two sides clashed in a brutal melee, with swords and spears clashing as soldiers fought for their lives.   The Domar warriors proved to be ferocious fighters, and they managed to break through the Duke's front line, causing chaos and confusion. The Duke's cavalry tried to charge in and stabilize the situation, but the Domar cavalry was waiting for them, and they clashed in a fierce battle on the flanks.   The opening phase of the battle was chaotic and bloody, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. However, the Domar forces had managed to break through the Duke's defenses and were now pushing forward, determined to win the battle.   Around this time the Southern Lords, who had regrouped and chased Reginald V's army, arrived from the east with roghly 2000 men.   As the Southern Lords' army arrived to reinforce Domari, the momentum of the battle shifted. Reginald V's army found itself caught in a pincer attack with enemies on both sides. Despite their superior numbers, the troops of Reginald V were caught off guard and had to fight on two fronts simultaneously. The battle became chaotic, with individual duels breaking out all over the field.   The Southern Lords and Domari were able to use their superior numbers to gradually push back Reginald V's army, who were forced to fight a desperate defensive battle. The archers on both sides peppered the opposing lines with arrows, causing many casualties. The infantry clashed in brutal hand-to-hand combat, with neither side giving an inch. The cavalry charged and counter-charged, trying to break through the enemy lines.   As the battle wore on, the Southern Lords and Domari gained the upper hand. They were able to use their numerical advantage to encircle Reginald V's army and cut off their retreat. The Duke's army fought valiantly, but they were outnumbered and outflanked. In the end, they were overwhelmed by the combined might of the Southern Lords and Domari.   The battle ended with the Southern Lords and Domari forces chasing down the remnants of Reginald V's army. The Domar infantry and Southern Lords cavalry were particularly effective in this phase, cutting off and eliminating pockets of enemy resistance.   The fleeing enemy forces were pursued for several miles until the Southern Lords and Domari were satisfied that they had successfully routed the enemy and secured the battlefield. During the cleanup phase, the Southern Lords and Domari forces gathered their own casualties, stripped the enemy dead of their armor and valuables, and set about repairing their own equipment and tending to their wounded.   Overall, the cleanup phase was marked by the jubilation of the victorious Southern Lords and Domari, as they celebrated their hard-won victory and counted the spoils of war.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
22 November, 1243


Southern Lords & Domari

Led by

Reginald V

Led by


4540 men (2720 infantry, 792 archers and 1028 cavalry)   2500 men from Domari (1800 infantry, 400 archers and 300 cavalry) and 2040 Southern Lords reinforcements (920 infantry, 392 archers and 728 cavalry)
3200 men (1200 infantry, 640 archers and 1360 cavalry)


1010 men (704 infantry, 80 archers, 206 cavalry)   640 Domar men (540 infantry, 60 cavalry and 40 archers) and 370 Southern Lords men (184 infantry, 40 archers and 146 cavalry)
1592 men (720 infantry, 192 archers and 680 cavalry)



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