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“Hobgoblins are a strange folk, they can either be your greatest friend or worst enemy. In both instances they have a fiery temper, so it's best to tread carefully around them."
— a common sentiment.
  Hobgoblins can be found across the prime world north and south of the great frost, altho they are centralized around continents with prominent precursor ruins. From remote villages or large cities hobgoblins can be found in almost every facet of life. From dock workers to city council members, they strive to bring order and discipline to chaos whenever they can in their life. While they are perfectly fine and content with civilian life, sometimes their innate short temper gets the better of them. This has led to more unsavory behavior that has led to banditry or organized crime. 5

Basic information



Most hobgoblins can be identified on a quick glance from their yellow-to bright red hued skin and long pointed ears. They tend to have darker colored hair, typically black. Hobgoblins are born as the second largest of the true goblinoid subtypes in the prime world typically are 5’6 feet. Though not as bulky as a bugbear, hobgoblins still fill a formidable form at 175 lbs. However, like most goblinoids, regions have had drastic changes on hobgoblins. One prime example are hobgoblins observed within the great frost. These hobgoblins have much of the same physical bulk but differ look wise. Having black skin or even a dark maroon on some occasions and thick white hair. Sometimes mistaken more for bugbears than your typical hobgoblin.  


Hobgoblins are a sturdier breed of goblin compared to its brethren, typically making it more resilient. Hobgoblins have an easier time surviving in harsh conditions, whether its extreme weather or exhaustion. In scarcity of resources hobgoblins have even been seen to eat meat raw with little to no negative effect in hard times. Aswell as their sturdiness, hobgoblins are thought to have a cognitive spark. They tend to pick up and learn new skills faster than some other races. They also have a more lateral mindset, usually using more creative solutions to problems then using brute force.
Like all goblinoids, hobgoblins tend to have a strange affinity with transmutation like spells and abilities. Due to their creation they were made to be shaped and molded, meaning magic that transforms can have negative consequences. Although very rare, transmutation magic have had longer lasting effects or sometimes permanent transformations. Meaning that most goblinoids frown on the school of magic and even more so when a spell is cast on them nonconsensually.


To strangers and outsiders hobgoblins tend to have a self discipline that many other races would describe as rigid or strict. They rely on first impressions being polite and respectful unless they themselves feel like they have been disrespected. This tends to rub more whimsical races the wrong way. It's because of this perceived cold shoulder that many races see hobgoblins as arrogant and uncaring.
For friends and close aquanences hobgoblins often paint a different picture. Hobgoblin friendships can be hard to win, but once gained it's almost impossible to break. Often hobgoblins share a bond of comoderari with those they place their trust in. Drinking, laughing and sharing old stories, willing to defend their friends with a fiery passion. Although friends still must watch out for the short tempered nature of goblinoids, it's a forgive and forget attitude.


Driven and forward thinking hobgoblins tend to always be in motion to accomplish their goals. They often strive to be found at the top of leadership positions for any situation they find themselves in. Be that a Dock master or a city council member they generally take the position to lead others to efficiency. If that position is already filled with competent leadership they fit themselves into the machine as a cog to keep the machine running. Hobgoblins are generally seen as well rounded and stable members of a community.
When left to make their own settlements they often have a more militaristic or industrialist focus to them. Usually exploiting the area around them for resources or defensible locations, and are more often simple looking than mixed settlements.

Culture Groups


Fanvinir Continent

Hobgoblins of Fanvinir originated on the larger western island of Rak. It is here that the hobgoblins have carved out a large piece of the continent for themselves and their goblinoid brethren. Creating what they call the Rak’Tor Hegemony, a large empire with customs not always tolerated in other parts of the continent.  

The Great Frost

Often regarded as savages, the hobgoblins of the Frost do what they need to to survive the bitter conditions. Often living an nomadic lifestyle, they hunt giant beasts that lurk the icy water of the Frost. They often form groups with any being with the willpower to survive the bitter cold and the beasts that are all around them.
Hobgoblin Female by catbatart
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average: 80 Years
Average Height
5 - 6'2 Feet
Average Weight
150 -185 .lbs

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