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Karkadunn Goblin

“I’ve never met more honest & loyal monsters in my life.
Scrappier than most of their kind in a fight too.
— Montese Peasant
  Karkadunn Goblins are taller and stockier variants of the regular goblins. They are commonly found on the western half of Fanvinir and dot various parts of the Northern Hemisphere. They are predisposed to the underground and other dark places, though many can still be found on the surface.  

Basic Information



Karkadunn commonly stand around 4 feet tall, and due to their naturally bulky nature make great general laborers and soldiers. Their faces are more akin to that of a crocodile, with hair that is similar to the mane of a lion. This race is famous for its nose horns that are claimed to be as strong as any metal, and in rare cases a Karkadunn can be seen with 2 horns.  


Like all artificial goblinoids, this race possesses a strange relationship with transmutation magic. They are especially susceptible to being turned to stone, with a near 5% chance they stay transmuted. This is often used as punishment by true goblins, turning all but their heads into a rock, or more commonly turning outcasts into shale or other brittle stone.  


Karkadunn are natural followers, and very few are seen in leadership positions. They are often fiercely loyal to whoever they serve, and in combat will boldly charge into battle. Much like other goblinoids they are predisposed to aggressive tendencies, though at times are known to be even more hostile.   It is commonly known that Karkadunn always tells the truth. While this isn’t entirely true, most Karkadunn have a mental block that makes them fumble their speech when they believe they are lying. This leads them to often simply telling the truth. It is a rare talent that you find a Karkadunn capable of deception.  


Karkadunn are naturally tribalistic, and left to their own devices, often forming into small groups of around 30 to 50. Wild Karkadunn often are the apex predators in their region, and have been known to hunt animals to extinction. It is not uncommon to find Karkadunn as bandits, though they often care little for treasures and opt to just eat their targets. In more civilized settings they are often seen as monsters, with only the most progressive of societies even recognizing them as citizens. Despite this, there are many mild mannered Karkadunn that integrate into civility. Many Karkadunn can be found as general laborers in various mines across the coasts of the first continent.  

Cultural Groups

In the western section of the first content, civilized Karkadunn are commonly soldiers while in the east and the coasts they are more known as pests or laborers.  


Like many Artificial Goblinoids, the Karkadunn are a race from the previous cycle. Though it is not known entirely, it is believed that they are a mix of goblin and dwarf as well as taking traits from other predator species.   In the early parts of the current cycle, the Karkadunn were mostly seen on the Rak’tor Islands. As the goblinoids began their conquest east, so came the Karkadunn. In the modern era any place that is near a coast is sure to have some of this race around, civilized or not.
Adult Karkadunn Goblin

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