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Nulla yae Okrad (New-la yay Oh-krad)

Dowager Empress

"They say you’re cruel."
"I’m pragmatic. If I were cruel, I’d give him a eulogy instead of a conversation."
— Nulla yae Okrad responding to an advisor

Physical Description

Body Features

Nulla is a short, slender goblinoid with striking crimson skin. She has lightly braided long shoulder length brown hair. She has green pupils and piercings on both nose and her lips, and customary tattoos on both her face and body to indicate her royal status.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nulla was born into the Clan Thrax in 2082 within the ancestral family estate on the island of Rak. Being born within the main branch of the family her life was already pre planned for her, along with her four siblings. She followed her scheduled life until the age of fourteen, when she was kidnaped by former disgruntled slaves her family sold earlier in the decade. Clan Thrax led the kidnappers along, planning to follow the messengers back while discussing ransom payments. On the day of the fateful rescue attempt the legion busted down the doors only to find all twenty eight kidnappers were already disemboweled and torn in two. The young lady Nulla was locked in a room safe and sound next to a sophisticated magic sigil. The days after the incident Nulla retreated into her room for months only coming out on rare occasions. Servants of the estate gossiped they could hear the young lady talking to someone in hushed tones when passing by her room.
    After her reclusive stint within the estate Nulla came out a changed woman, once a meek and shy girl now a bold and calculated woman. She spent the next thirteen years integrating herself into both the business and politics of her clan. Changing her position from political pawn for her family to an integral and necessary person to drive their slave market forward. Once established and stable with a position within her family Nulla moved to the next stage of her ambition.
  With her family connections she began to intermingle with larger noble circles, specifically events which the emperor would be attending. The next few years were like a game of cat and mouse between her and Mulvak that ended with Nulla becoming the emperor's mistress. Nulla used this time to begin to poison Mulvak’s mind with whispers and false rumors. Rumors ranging from his inner circle plotting against him, to his wife Sena had been using him for personal power. It was with this move that the emperor began to clear is circle and plotted to murder his wife for Nulla to take her place.
  The death of Empress Sena was sudden and surprising, a brain bleed and stroke had taken the young empress in the night in 2110. It took just a year for Nulla to be crowned empress and another 5 years to produce her first child with the emperor, a boy named Vruc. This allowed Nulla to move onto the final step of her journey. In the year 2121 Nulla hired a group of assassins to ambush the emperor on a hunting trip with his 3 eldest children. The emperor and the rest of the convoy died that day. As the last of the emperor's children Vruc was named emperor. Vruc, being only a boy of nine, could not yet fully rule the empire until the age of sixteen. Nulla took the role as regent and rules until her son comes of age.
  Nulla has used the last two years to consolidate her power, earning political and financial favors with powerful families within the empire's reach. She has also begun to elevate her Clan Thrax into an even more powerful position, handing them prominent positions within the government. Nulla looks to finally close all of the loose ends and rule a nation her way.


Contacts & Relations

Whether through fear or respect most of Clan Thrax fall in line with the regent mother of the empire, giving her almost unlimited access to her family's wealth and assets. Many have reported that this has caused a rift between her and her brother Zrugrun Thrax, the next in line as family head. There are fears that Zrugrun would have his birthright passed off to his successful sister, forced to make his own cadet branch.
  Nulla during her short marriage with Mulvar, she kept her own paramour in the shadows. Horth Urrolua a monster of a man even by bugbear standards, a governor of one of the border provinces of the old capital. Horth commands a lot of respect, making many raids into the old capital province attempting to dislodge Rak’tor’s enemies. Horth is also one of the few to command over two legions of troops. Since the death of Mulvar, the love affair is less than secret and many governors fear what would happen if Horth was ever turned against the western revolt.
Clan Thrax
Hobgoblin Female by catbatart
Year of Birth
2082 TCC 43 Years old
130 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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