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Patron Deity

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The Patron Deities are entities that inhabit the various planes of the universe. Their power is both granted by higher beings, and lower beings. The gods are created by Primordials, and gain their power through being worshiped by mortals. Gods also gain substantial power from their worshippers, and a god that has no followers will be significantly weaker than his peers. The current Patrons of this realm seek supremacy and hierarchy, thoughts that come instinctively to them by design.  

Tier List

Tier 1

These consist of mortal champions, those chosen by gods to influence the world. Some of these people may be empowered followers while others may be actual demigods.

Tier 2

These will be actual gods, and are likely to serve under a pantheon, though some choose not to. Divine gods of this tier and beyond are unable to interact with the material world, and as such often create mortal champions to interact within the world for them. While they have inherent strength, most of their power comes from their worshipers.

Tier 3

These are greater gods that hold the majority of power over their domains, and are able to grant it willingly. They are the leaders in the ongoing war of the gods and have many others within their Pantheon. This tier of god most likely has other divine beings that they tithe for power willingly or unwillingly. They have the power to claim the powers & domains of other slain gods.

Tier 4

No gods currently exist that have reached this tier, and those that have are consumed by the Primordial known as the Seeder/Harvester. This tier is theoretically possible for a T3 god to achieve after consuming enough divinity from other pantheons.  

Anchors of the Divine Gods

Many gods will have places that their worshippers congregate, holy relics that are of great power, or even certain living beings that are of great power. What these are can vary wildly, but each one has the ability to channel the power of the gods. All of these can be destroyed, though it is difficult. Each god usually only has around 3-5 at any time, though in rare instances they can have more, and keeping too many can be taxing for the gods to upkeep.

Places of Power

Places of power can range from buildings, or large objects, to even ranges of land that have been consecrated by the gods. They can be used to perform rituals that petition the gods to perform miracles. The god of the sun may create clear skies for a week, while the god of the oceans may create good tides upon the coasts. These are the main ways that gods take power from their followers. These can also be used to summon avatars of their respective gods. Places of power will act as beacons for both mortal champions & clerics of all faiths, though most of the time this signal is weak, but when rituals are performed this signal is greatly increased.

Objects of Power

Objects of power are by far the weakest of the three, but are also the most common. Mortals are capable of using most of these artifacts, though often this is strenuous. They can be used to petition the gods and perform some rituals, though they are much more limited than places of power. Due to how much weaker they are than places, it is rare that they can be detected, and mortals of great divine power and the god’s who create them can locate them.

People of Power

Rarest among the three though are people of power. Once is a great while, Pantheon leaders will create a mortal champion. This champion will have the power to work as beacons and can even become avatar’s of their god, though this process effectively kills the person. When a person of power dies, their power is sent back to their god, though if another champion kills them or an object of power is used to kill them, the power is stolen by the god. Though it is an a, if a champion kills enough other champions, they are capable of attaining godhood themselves under the service of their god.
The Patron Hierarchy
Genetic Descendants

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