The Thesatri

Basic Information


Humanoid in nature the Thesatri are almost indistinguishable from Humans based on physical traits alone. The main differences being the Thesatri will develop markings of any color and shape upon the onset of their magic, typically around puberty, and the skin of their hands and feet will often be several shades darker than the rest of their skin. Depending on an individuals casting style wherever they harness their magic more will darken the skin, most Thesatri can cast well before the onset of their own individual magics.

Genetics and Reproduction

Thesatri are almost entirely a female species with a 1-1000 ratio male to females. As such they've evolved to largely be able to breed with any species even remotely similar to them. Such pairings will often result in interesting genetics, the most common being the offspring taking on traits of the non-Thesatri parent (usually the father but as males do exist it can go either way). Far less common is mutations in the child's magic which can range from simply needing to develop a new form of casting or having to remove magic from the individual entirely for their and others safety that however is an extreme example and very rarely happens.   Female Thesatri are fertile year round with a period of increased fertility at the end of their winter seasons to encourage young born before the next winter. Their gestation is slightly longer than Humans at approx 11 months.

Ecology and Habitats

The Thesatri homeplanet Oni is largely densely forested with only pockets of non-forest areas. Oni has a longer rotation around it's sun making the Thesatri year closer to 19 months however it's rotation brings it closer to its sun for longer periods giving them an extended spring/summer season.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Comparable to humans in all senses.   Additional senses related to magic;   Leyline sensing: All Thesatri can sense the inherent natural magic of their planet although not all can access it most can at least utilize the leylines to recharge their own natural reserves of magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Thesatri have no set naming conventions for first names simply whatever strikes the parents as a suitable name. Last names are always passed on from mothers as inheritance is matrilineal, one name will be the family name which isn't used often except at fancy events or to brag about one's family the other is the mothers first name with the suffix -yel for daughters, -ton for sons, or -bi for any other gender/if the parents don't want to limit the child/a neutral option.

Beauty Ideals

Thesatri are a species deeply tied in with nature and magic as such their beauty ideals are mostly abstract. Those with confidence, self love, genuine caring for others, things that indicate a good soul are what they hold as beautiful.

Gender Ideals

Although Thesatri are largely a female dominated species their ideas about gender are largely fluid. The only true 'gendered' thing in their society is the passing of inheritance/names through the mothers line and this is done for more practicality than anything else as Thesatri don't require marriage for children and some may take multiple partners in their lives. 9

Average Technological Level

Very Advanced

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Thesatri speak Trian as their native language but they also created the Alliance Standard Common [ASC] language both spoken and signed, used throughout the Alliance.
600 ASY
Average Height
Average Weight
170 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Depending on casting style Thesatri will have darker skin on their hands, feet or both. All Thesatri also develop markings that reflect their natural magics when they come into their magic.   Most Thesatri are somewhere in the light tan to mid brown range for skin-tones though extremes and outliers do exist.
Related Ethnicities


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