The Selgino

The shift is painful. There's no doubt about it but there's something about it that's also freeing. It's primal. You don't have to think only feel. -Matron Boccadia

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Family names

Selgino are very loyal to their clans and the clan name often takes the place of a surname. Some individual families may choose to take surnames but less common unless they deal with Thesatri or the cities often.   Clan names vary very widely usually they are somewhat related to the creation of the clan. Either if an individual set off on their own for personal reasons, direction from the Divine, etc. in the case of some of the older clans whatever inspired them at the time.


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

Selgino clans are nomadic, each clan has a set territory and trading route by the major Thesatri cities. There are smaller Selgino 'communities' usually of older people or those who can't journey with the clan for whatever reason. These are usually established in the fairer weather zones.

Common Myths and Legends

The exact origins of the Nosoi Virus is unknown but there is one central myth shared among all the clans about the creation of the first Selgino clan.

The God of Destruction, Xazum, was said to have loved his wife and his daughter more than anything else in life. His daughter, Cely goddess of music and desire sought to give one of her most loyal devotees a gift deserving of his loyalty. In him she saw her father reflected, he loved his wife more than anything in the world but she was unable to give him a child and as a leader his line needed an heir. Knowing that bearing a mortal child could kill her Cely decide she would give the couple what they sought and bore her devotee a daughter which did lead to her death. Some time afterwards Xazum petitioned Gaeylon the god of battle to return Cely's violin which the god had claimed for his hall of treasures. He said that Cely had given it to him as a token of affection. It was well known among the gods that Gaeylon's affections for Cely were not returned but he refused Xazum's petition. None of the other Deities chose to help Xazum as neither god could prove their word was any truer than the other.

Determined to have his daughter's violin back as a way to honor her passing Xazum set out to steal it. Gaeylon's hall of treasures was well fortified with both divine magics and mortal he'd commissioned many to make it as secure as possible. Despite the odds Xazum succeeded in retrieving the violin. When he found out Gaeylon was furious and demanded it's return. Of course Xazum refused, they both stood before their fellow gods and made their cases. However as once again the had belonged to Cely and there was no evidence that she had or had not given it to Gaeylon they condemned Xazum for stealing from a fellow god. He was transformed into a beast and cast down to the mortal realms.

Between being cursed and thrown from the divine realm Xazum looses himself to the shift and become partially feral. He attacks a small Thesatri clan and when the people he attacked shift their clan casts them out. These displaced people in need of answers set out to capture the raging beast. Eventually they are successful, however the disgraced god cannot communicate with them. He is unable to put aside his anger and despair enough to control the shift. The small clan keeps him trapped to keep him from hurting anyone else and they set about understanding what has happened to them and mastering their own shifts. In time one of the newly changed Thesatri has their prayers answered by Takr, Xazum's wife. She sends the young woman a dream of her playing the monster music. She dismisses this dream at first, but as it repeats ever night she decides to take it seriously. One night she takes her violin out, to embarrassed to pitch the idea to the others, and she plays it for the beast. To her surprise he quiets immediately. Watching her with an intensity she didn't expect. As she plays he slowly regains himself and returns to his new mortal form. 

Xazum remains with the clan the rest of his mortal life becoming a devotee of Takr to remain in limited contact with his life. Though out of respect for their origins most Selgino don't worship the Thesatri pantheon choosing instead devotions of the land that sustains them. Takr is the only goddess who keeps their respect.
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