High Hold

The High Hold of Catacomb Butte is a cemetary as well as a hospital and chapel. Catacomb butte contained a series of graveyards/catacombs used for centuries by a variety of cultures. Most of these cultures were nomadic or hidden from others and they wanted a remote site for the disposal of their dead. In the time since The Plague of Silmora. A halfling hermit holed up within some of the upper chambers of the catacombs to avoid much of the resultant disasters. Becoming a devout of Llyew he set up some of the chambers to help passing refugees. Eventually this expanded and added some purpose built chambers for a small chapel and living quarters. The High Hold has expanded since then to a larger chapel, a hospital and a halfway house taking boarders as they can.


The High Hold was built in the upper catacombs, It has since expanded outward since then. After the expansion the upper catacombs were walled off with secure doors for access. More and more of the High hold has been built higher within the butte than the rest of the structure and several other buildings have been built into the rock surrounding it.   Most importantly the non-descript entrances to the catacombs were decorated and labeled with carvings and paintings. The entrance leading to the High Hold and upper catacombs is the most decorated with steps leading up to it from a newer cluster of buildings leading to one of the primary fountains and cisterns in the valley.


The High Hold started as a series of tunneled passages with deep alcoves with red markings and piled bones. The entrance had a pit and rope swing to prevent large scavanger animals. This has been reworked with steps, framed stonework around the burial alcoves that now have doors enclosing them. The upper floor of the hold had a small opening in the rock to let in sunlight and was the primary dwelling, then chapel, now antechamber to newly worked stone chambers worked in organic forms with small carved releif and painted frescoes.
Parent Location

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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