Irredescent Enamel

Irredescent Enamel is a resource of great trading value derived from The Raikirian Desert. It is famously paired with Mother of Pearl in ornate boxes and artistic objects. Along with the spice trade, it adds to the sumptuous exports from Limi-Xou.   The beetles that produce the base for this enamel are raised and harvested in large buildings outside of major cities or trade routes. This is to prevent a beetle infestation that might affect crops or people's living conditions. Tight clothing is worn while harvesting to prevent beetles from getting under clothing and irritating the skin. Harvesters are sometimes derogatorily known as masked skinwalkers.


Physical & Chemical Properties

The emamel is used primarially for it's protective qualities, but is also useful for a decorative sheen on surfaces. When mixed in with pigments and a binding animal based oil it creates a durable paint. It adds an irridescent sheen to the paint color, and improves the durability especially against whind and grit. Irridescent enamel is better at resisting abrasive forces, but weaker at providing a toal water/oil seal on the finished product.

Origin & Source

The enamel is extracted from the shells and wings of the Silver Beetle. It is best when harvested freshly instead of using older or discared husks.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Given it's expense the enamel is most often used on plates, small furnature, window shutters or vehicles. It is prized for vehicles due to the significant improvement in resiting sandstorm damage. As such the richest caravans through The Raikirian Desert tend to have a few carts with this rich enamel.


Like all oil based paints with diverse pigments, over exposure of absoption of some the materials are toxic. Especially with the lead, arsinic and titanium based pigments that provide rich colors.
Quite acidic and deep.
Related Locations

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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