Odex Purrahn

Death Lord, Great Lord, or Master

Odex the primary Litch Death Lord of the Land of the Death Lords. This undead lord has a facination with life extension and creating armies of servants to cater to his every whim. Famous for his domaniring control of the Death Lords he manipulates them against each other and towards his goals efficiently. Most of his relationships appear strained or manipulative except for his adopted daughter and castle seneshal. His daughter he praises and dotes on, while his seneshal appears to have his confidence and is perhaps the only person who does.    About 28 years ago he completed his transformation from a human to lich.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His life extension through lichdom has left him looking like an emaciated human male with pale skin and sunken eyes. The eyes glow in an errie sickly green light, and his feet replaced with cloven hooves. While likely handsome before his transformation his changes and demenour have caused significant distortion and most refuse to look directly at him.



Odex enjoys leering and hovering over others. The wearing of rich and expensive fabrics and jewlry are a hobby of his. Most often in bright greens, blacks, oranges and reds. Almost never further than a few feet is his precious Horned Staff.

Hobbies & Pets

Odex has a fantastic menagerie of unusual "pets" which include humanoids of many varieties including a family of dwarven albinos he has been manipulating for years. In addition to his repugnant slave pens, he has a set of otherworldly, dangerous, and bizare beasts and elemental creatures. He enjoys the looks of disgust and despair in his guests who are horrified by such a creepy and nihilistic collection.

Wealth & Financial state

Most resources he has in abundance. What he craves is power and novelty, so anything unusual can be the focus of his attention.
Glowing Orbs
Wispy strands
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skin
5' 6"

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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