Land of the Death Lords

The land and the country are now insepperable in peoples minds. It resides on the East coast of the continent below the The Raikirian Desert. Rules by a cabal of sorcerers intent of learning how to manipulate the world it has been torn asunder and remade multiple times in the last century. Most recently almost all of the jungles have been removed as part of a wasting spell. It was designed to fuel the incredible floating castle of one of the Death Lord named Odex Purrahn the Unholy. The country side is populated with zombies, worked by skeletons, all beneath manor houses of the vampire nobels. It is a terrain of sinkholes and scars between fields of crops and pastured goats.   Recent History   About sixty years ago the sea elf Odex started his experimentation into the harvesting of life energies and was challenged by the nobility of the land. The Dwarven Paladin, Kenric Gingdon the Pious confronted Odex. Their fight created an unatural storm of lightning, wind, and earthquakes that left the land scarred with fissures. Kenric died and to prevent additional challenges to his experiments Odex allied with a few like minded wizards, sorcerers and vampires to take over the management of the country. This left the new rules to experiment on the land, including an accidental invasion of earth elemental lords 35 years ago. This left a great many sinkholes, cave ins, and expanded underground cave nextworks. The decaying unearthed bodies of the graves made a great resource for the necromancers in the land who created a serf class of zombies and skeletons. This low level stench of death and dying seems to be now a permanent feature of the land tainted by such extensive necromantic influences.


The ecosystem is fragile and struggling. The removal of the jungles has left much of the lands soil poor and difficult to work. It is beleived it may revent to a desert in the next few years unless some healing to the land is performed. The Blue Beaked Psittacus has a local group of birds known as death rattlers, given their exposure to zombie moans and shifting skeletons they often match those noises as a sort of disturbed early morning song.

Localized Phenomena

The Death Mists appear several times a year and threaten to kill those still alive. It is unknown where they come from and how they disappear.
Location under

Articles under Land of the Death Lords

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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