Pools of Deep Relaxation

The volcanic pools of Arto Dez were used for relaxation and exercise by the Arton Dwarves. They were very popular though they were not from volcanic heated springs after about 6870, afterwards they were heated by magic instead.    The pools were divided into five seperate sections. 

The Mineral Pools

These are the hotest pools for relazation and recovery. These were some of the most popular and next to a series of wet saunas.

The Steaming Pools

The steaming pools are shallow and a bit cooler and can be stayed in for more of an hour instead of just several minutes. These are very popular.

The Wide Hot Pool

This is a warm pool that are deeper than the previous two, and allows for diving and exercising. They are popular among the young for the ability to dive in them as well as the elderly for the comfortable relaxing ability to stretch and exercise.

The Small Pools

The small pools vary in temperature and are used for routine bathing of the community as well as being used for laundry as well as other mundane tasks. While there were likely several dozen initially, more basins and channels were carved out to where there were several hundred.

The Under Pools

These are underneath and falls ito a cool rock bed, these are almost chilled and used for more athletic racing and cold plunges. More popular among the youth and the athletic. These pools are often a location for diving competitions or Water Jousting.


Over the years; platforms, steps and diving cliffs have been carved and improved. Additional carvings, statuary, and relief carvings were added to decorate or add functionality. The Mineral and Steaming pools having incredible ornate carvings, railings and changing rooms decorated on every inch.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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