Arton Dwarves

Centered on the mountain and underground city with the a related name Arto Dez. The mines were a great source of revenue for thousands of years. This homeland was a fairly stable place for the Arton dwarves until the Volcanic Eruption of Arto Dez. At the end of that war they were dispersed and many are now living on a pair of stone ships, the Sandstone Spire and the Shade Stone.   While generally just perceived to be dwarves there has always been a reasonable halfling and human sub group that are culturally included with these dwarves.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Both male and female names tend to be two syllables in length.

Family names

Family names are patronymic, as in the child takes on the father's name as their second name. In formal settings a profesional title and clan name are added.


Common Dress code

Kilts, loose shirts, and waistcoats are generall for all dwarves. Female dwarves also often wear shawls and men wide decorated waistbands.

Art & Architecture

Arton Dwarves are usually interested in the intermix of rectininear solids and organic curves. So often you will see nested patterns either starting with organic forms or geometirc forms then with nested objects in the oposite shapes.


Beauty Ideals

While some dwarves will have different grooming standards when it comes to beards the Arton dwarves prefer braided beards reguardless of biologic sex. While there are different patterns and jewlry applied and hair styles on the top of the head differ, both male and female dwarves have long beards.

Courtship Ideals

It is typical that these dwarves live about 300 years, so marriage is most of ten performed in their 50s or 60s with typically long courtships of several years.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are not just for love but are a business arrangement, where the family business is an important part of the expectations of a long relationship. It is very common for accountants to marry craftsmen, or wizards marry warriors as these are complimentary skill sets.
Related Organizations

Articles under Arton Dwarves

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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