Rock Lizard

The rock lizard at first glace seems quite vulnerable and easy to deal with. Those who are aware know that the thin spines on the back of the lizard are tipped with poison. The poison is a neurotoxin that can cause the wasting disease known as the Rose Corruption. Luckily the disease can be prevented if the prick is notices and a poltice is applied before the neurotoxic can spread far (usually a few hours). The poltice is made from Rock Lizards splean mixed with sage and animal fat. Since the prick creates instant pain and a quick spiraling red area on the skin it is easy to notice.   Given their fierce natural defense they are revered as symbols of strength and defiance. Many desert cultures will use a rock lizard tattoo or embroidery over armor as a warning sign to others of their tennacity.

Basic Information


The lizard grows to be nearly eight inches long. (20 cm). It's eyes move independantly and it has a long toungue it uses to smell. The rock lizard seems farily normal except for the excretion of the nerve toxin that is poisonous to many creatures. Young rock lizards however don't have the poison the adults are known for.

Genetics and Reproduction

They mate anually and live for up to five years. They give live births of three to six offspring. It is common that the mother will eat one or two offspring, and this appears to only be when there are five or six offspring in that batch.

Ecology and Habitats

These nasty lizards live around desert areas and will eat just about anything. Prefering flowers, insects and even animals poised by it's own spines. They burrow nests where they live in solitude or as a mating pair with up to four infantile lizards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Within the first month of their life the lizards are a light red, then the adolescents begin to be a reddish brown. By the next spring they are fully brown with red spots and ready to mate.

Articles under Rock Lizard

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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