Rose Corruption

Rose Corruption is caused by interacting with Rock Lizards. While technically curable if treated early, if the cure isn't applied in time it becomes life threatening. The toxin triggers the neurolic system to begin shutting down. As the toxin doesn't degrade naturally in a body that is not a rock lizard, it will continue to shut down the body's systems. Which systems are affected first vary by individual and the location of the infection.  

Progression of the Condition:

First someone scratches againt or touches the Rock Lizard and the toxin is deposited. It will eat away a bit a the exterior of the skin as it penetrates through pores into the tissues. For the first couple hours if the neurotoxin is slowed and treated then the condition can be halted. The Rock Lizard is immune, so a poltice of it's splean or eyes mixed with sage and animal fat is effective at drawing the neurotoxin out as long as it has not gotten yet to the nervous system.   The poltice may help with minimizing the amount of toxin in the body even after some has reached the nervous system. However there is often lasting damage to the individual.    If not treated quickly, systems such as sight, muscle response, balance or others can begin shutting down. As the neurotixin can move over time it will eventually move to the lungs or heart causing death. This can take days or weeks depending on the individual.  

Note on Healing Magic and Uses:

  Minor healing magic can remove the neurotoxin if used soon. Once it has progressed only advanced magic can remove the toxin. Sometimes this will still result in permanent changes. These changes could be reduced motility or sensory in a limb or face.   When harvested as a poison and administered in the stomach the progression usually takes only hours till death. The chance of permanent damage is within minutes.
Chemical Compound
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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