Stardew Vines

Also know as the Giant Vine Drosera, the Stardew Vine has large flower like blooms with up to a 2 meter diameter. Dangerous as they are beautiful, this carnivorous plant is sought after by gardeners for it's unusual diet and amazing scent.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Water, light and soil will support the Stardew, but to reproduce and grow larger it must eat protein. As a carnivorous plant it has a sweet scent that attracts insects, small rodents and occasionally grasps and injures small children.

Biological Cycle

Starting life as a simple vine it crawls up trees or rocks for several years before producing it's first small (30cm) bloom. Once it does it requires blood and animal protein to continue to produce more blooms and larger ones. Luckily insects tend to be a very available source, and it makes these popular among those that deal with mosquito infestations, but unpopular with farmers who rely on bee pollination. Once a few larger blooms have grown it will produce a true flower with seed pods inside, the standard blooms provide the pollen and the flower provides the seeds. These seed pods mature over the course of two years and eventually burst out to be carried along the wind. During this state the blooms are sluggish and often fail to catch insects which allows for pollination. Once seeds have been dispersed there it will wait another seven years before producing another bloom.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Often used to deter rats and insect infestations. The blooms have a fairly strong acid to dissolve the animal matter, and it is useful when distilled and used in alchemical devices.   The sap has several uses. The sap can be used to create resins popular among transmutation specialists as it seems to aid in transmutation spells.   The sap can also be brewed in a lacto-fermenation process to produce thick mucous used to increase sensation in the skin. This is highly prized by those with a numbness in extremities as it restore sensation, not to mention it's use on a recreational level. Used in this way it can have side effects including hair-loss and skin discoloration to either a violet or blueish hue.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Common to temperate and sub-tropical climates of Gorel, it has not found much purchase elsewhere. It is especially common in The Goldenwood, south of the Henderent Plains.
Scientific Name
Carnus Drosera
40 years
Average Height
Climbs up to 20 meters.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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