This document is a contract of sorts between organizations or governments and the
Order of Bamboo. It details services rendered, non-compete clauses, and details around securing messages and monetary transfers.
Given that the Order of Bamboo acts as the de-facto long distance communication network and bank transfer system, these documents are of critical importance when functioning on an international and world level. Generally larger organizations are able to negotiate better rates for messaging, courier services, and banking transactions than the general populace.
The Letter establishes that governments who sign it must allow the order to provide tax free (and usually government surveillance free) communication and banking transaction services across national boundaries. This limitation against government surveillance works against national propaganda machines to the advantage of the people.
The network of the Order reaches only over half of Gorel and some regions are still less established for communication. This needed expansion is an area of active interest to the Order.
Critiques and Concerns
The costs for the poor can be quite high, as there is a stranglehold on the market. For organizations, the principal complains against the most common versions of Letters of Agreement are the requirements around not competing in the realm of instant communication. The
Matron Mysterium is starting to push back against this clause with their
Silent Farseer s. The
Loremasters of the Omoikane have refused to sign such a letter and have their own methods of communication, but most organizations are unable to produce the needed magical messaging systems. It goes so far that, in the
Land of the Great Tree all
Towers of Wind are property of the Loremasters and only rented back to the Order of Bamboo.