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Anfal (An-Fal)

King Anfal (a.k.a. The Frost King)

Anfal, an esteemed figure draped in wisdom, possesses an aged visage marked by a snow-white mane cascading down his shoulders and a matching, full beard that speaks of his seasoned leadership. His regal countenance adorned with a crown bears the weight of experience and resilience. As the ruler of Preton and the eldest scion of Dargath, Anfal bore the responsibility of his nation's fate upon his shoulders. Throughout the tumultuous Dark War, he emerged as a beacon of resistance and valor. Anfal's indomitable spirit led him to pivotal victories—he fearlessly liberated Valtara from the clutches of oppression, valiantly occupied the Trade Centre, and faced off against Hiroh in a battle that ended the general's threat. Anfal's crowning achievement stood as his role in the coalition that ultimately brought down the malevolent Abraxas, solidifying his legacy as a leader of unwavering courage and strategic brilliance in the annals of Preton's history.

Physical Description

Special abilities

While lacking overt supernatural powers, Anfal's wisdom, tactical acumen, and charisma were his greatest assets. His keen intellect, strategic insight, and ability to inspire loyalty made him a formidable leader.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anfal, the seasoned ruler of Preton, possessed a storied personal history deeply interwoven with his nation's fate and the tumultuous events of the Dark War. Before the war, Anfal's upbringing under the tutelage of his father, Dargath, imbued him with leadership qualities that would define his reign. During the war, he emerged as a stalwart defender, leading Preton through turbulent times after the fall of its founder, Dargath. Post-war, Anfal aimed to rebuild and restore Preton to its former glory, fostering unity and recovery.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Anfal's pivotal achievements during the Dark War were resounding. He liberated Valtara from invading forces, strategically occupied crucial territories like the Trade Centre, and engaged in significant battles against formidable adversaries like Hiroh. His collaboration with the Crimson Knights culminated in the defeat of Abraxas, securing Preton's survival and standing as a beacon of resilience.

Morality & Philosophy

Anfal embodied unwavering principles of justice and protection for his people. His moral compass guided his decisions, often placing the well-being of Preton above personal gain. He stood as a symbol of honor and integrity, adhering to his responsibilities with steadfast dedication.

Personality Characteristics


Anfal was driven by an innate desire to safeguard Preton and its inhabitants. His commitment to protecting his nation fueled his relentless efforts during the Dark War. Additionally, his alliance with the Crimson Knights stemmed from his overarching goal to bring an end to the reign of darkness orchestrated by Abraxas, aiming for a safer future for all.

Virtues & Personality perks

Anfal's strengths lay in his astute leadership, unwavering determination, and strategic foresight. His ability to rally allies and make tactical decisions in the face of adversity bolstered Preton's resilience.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his strengths, Anfal's unwavering dedication sometimes led to an inability to delegate, taking on burdens single-handedly. His adherence to a rigid moral code occasionally created internal conflicts when faced with morally ambiguous situations, potentially slowing decision-making processes.
Current Location
Year of Birth
46 B.D.W. 68 Years old
Valtara, Preton
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5' 8"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I thank you for saving me. I would have died if it wasnt for you. As a gift of appreciation, I shall assist you in your quest against that horrid monster. You must first build an army of powerful creatures, and I know exactly the place to get those from" - Anfal after he is freed by Albion  "Through all my perilious journeys, I have never come across a man quite as brave and determined as you. You have taught me many things about leadership and charisma, and I doubt I would be here if it wasn't for you saving me" - Anfal to Albion before the Battle of Antaria.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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