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Archangel (Aark-Ayn-Jl)

Archangels, majestic and ethereal beings, find their secluded abodes within isolated regions of Caena in the Crean Isles. Resembling traditional angels but with larger, more robust frames and expansive wings that span vast distances, they exude an awe-inspiring presence. As the esteemed leaders among the celestial entities, Archangels exercise restraint, intervening in mortal affairs solely when absolutely imperative. Their alliances have been sparing and selective, aligning forces only in critical junctures like the Fall of Nax Fort, the Battle of Heavengate alongside Elliott, and the Battle of Antaria alongside Albion. One of their most remarkable and extraordinary abilities lies in their unparalleled skill to resurrect fallen allies. Unlike necromancy's grim aftermath, their resurrection power restores allies to their former selves without any repercussions or loss of consciousness, ensuring complete restoration. Revered as the second most powerful species within the Isles, surpassed only by the indomitable Azure Dragons, Archangels command both respect and awe, their divine abilities marking them as crucial and formidable entities in the realm.

Basic Information


Archangels embody celestial magnificence, resembling traditional angels but with grander proportions. They boast larger, robust frames with expansive, awe-inspiring wings that grant them exceptional aerial prowess. Their appearance is akin to divine beings, radiating a serene aura, with an ethereal luminescence to their appearance.

Growth Rate & Stages

Archangels undergo minimal visible growth, attaining maturity upon their celestial manifestation. Their life cycle involves gradual spiritual ascension rather than physical growth, evolving through the mastery of divine abilities and wisdom, rather than any marked physical changes.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal environments for Archangels are isolated, serene regions within Caena, away from bustling mortal settlements. They are intrinsically connected to these isolated and ethereal habitats, exhibiting a profound harmony with the spiritual energy present in these secluded domains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Archangels, as celestial entities, don't possess conventional dietary requirements. They sustain themselves on spiritual energies and divine essence, drawing sustenance from celestial realms rather than physical sustenance. They neither hunt nor forage but commune with higher planes to access spiritual nourishment.

Biological Cycle

Archangels exhibit a unique biological cycle not dictated by time or seasonal changes, transcending earthly cycles of hibernation or physiological alterations. Their celestial nature remains constant, undeterred by temporal progression or natural fluctuations.


Within their species, Archangels assume leadership roles, guiding and leading celestial entities with wisdom and grace. They demonstrate an air of serenity and compassion, rarely intervening in mortal affairs unless absolutely necessary. Their interactions with other species are minimal, save for crucial circumstances where they provide divine aid or guidance.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Archangelus divinitas
No Aging
Average Height
12ft - 15ft
Geographic Distribution
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