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Arium (Ar-Yum)

Arium, the once-majestic elemental kingdom, stood as a testament to the delicate harmony between the elemental planes and the material realm in the Crean Isles. Ruled by the wise Naxion, Arium boasted a diverse populace, including elemental beings, fairies, and phoenixes, residing within the grandeur of Nax Fort. The city's architecture showcased the Conflux style, characterized by spires protruding from the main building, constructed with polished, shiny granite and roofs made of various crystals. These architectural elements reflected Arium's strong connection to the elements. Arium's strength lay in its elemental prowess, a power wielded by its ruler Naxion, who valiantly led the kingdom against the encroaching darkness until the tragic fall during the Battle of Heavengate.


Arium's organizational structure is intricately woven with elemental hierarchy, reflecting the diverse and harmonious coexistence of various elemental entities. At its pinnacle stands the elemental ruler, Naxion, who governs with the wisdom and balance of the elements. Below him, the elemental planes contribute to the ruling council, ensuring representation from earth, fire, air, water, and magic. Each elemental plane is overseen by a respective elemental lord, serving as both advisors to Naxion and guardians of their elemental domains. The elemental courts, comprising elemental beings such as phoenixes, fairies, and various elementals, form the administrative backbone, ensuring the smooth coordination of Arium's elemental forces. This intricate structure fosters a harmonious balance among the elemental realms, solidifying Arium as a kingdom where the forces of nature coalesce under the benevolent guidance of Naxion.


Arium's rich cultural tapestry is woven with elements of elemental symbolism and celebration. Conflux-style towns, characterized by polished granite and crystalline spires, reflect Arium's strong connection to the elements. The Elemental Convergence, a grand celebration, unites beings from diverse elemental backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. Festivals like the Festival of Eternal Flame and the Cascade Jubilee pay homage to specific elemental forces, creating a vibrant tapestry of cultural diversity within the kingdom.

Public Agenda

Arium's public agenda is rooted in the principles of maintaining elemental balance, fostering unity, and ensuring prosperity for all elemental entities within its borders. The kingdom's commitment to preserving the delicate equilibrium between the elemental realms is evident in policies aimed at mitigating environmental imbalances and promoting sustainable practices. Arium actively seeks diplomatic relations with neighboring realms to share its expertise in elemental mastery, fostering collaborative efforts for the betterment of the entire Crean Isles. The kingdom's overarching goal is to create an environment where the diverse forces of nature coalesce in perfect harmony, ensuring a thriving and balanced existence for all its inhabitants.


Officially collapsed after the Battle of Heavengate. There was no ruler, and the country fell into disarray.

Demography and Population

Arium boasted a diverse populace, with a harmonious blend of elementals, phoenixes, and humans. Elementals of various forms—earth, fire, water, air—coexisted alongside majestic phoenixes, embodying the elemental harmony within the nation. Humans formed the larger portion of the population, living harmoniously among these mystical beings. The birth and death rates in Arium were relatively balanced, owing to the innate harmony and equilibrium maintained by the elemental forces, with an average rate similar to other nations across the Crean Isles.


Arium's territories encompassed a significant portion of eastern Caena, comprising lush, fertile lands surrounded by the elemental harmonies of nature. The nation's territories were not forcefully acquired but established over centuries, stemming from the innate connection between Naxion, the elements, and the ancestral lands. Arium's rule was rooted in stewardship rather than conquest, honoring the sanctity of the elemental planes and their manifestation in the material world.


Arium’s military forces, known as the Elemental Guard, were distinctive yet modest compared to more militant nations. Comprising elemental battalions and phoenix riders, their primary focus lay in defense and maintaining the elemental equilibrium. The Elemental Guard, trained in elemental magic and combat, ensured the security of Arium's borders and territories, ready to defend against any threat to the nation's harmony.

Foreign Relations

Arium’s foreign relations were multifaceted. The nation, under Naxion's rule, upheld alliances with neighboring territories like Preton, and more distant territories like Lisena, fostering cooperation in defense and trade. While historically peaceful, the nation maintained a cautious stance towards Abraxas's Nentryl and the fiery demon nation of Anteos, recognizing the potential threat they posed to the delicate elemental balance. Arium, with its principled stance on preservation and harmony, attempted diplomatic ties with Ellismeda, albeit with limited success due to the fiercely independent dragon populace.

Agriculture & Industry

Arium’s strength lay in its unparalleled agricultural prowess, leveraging the elemental affinities to yield bountiful harvests. The nation was a leading hub for magical agriculture, cultivating enchanted crops that flourished under the nurturing touch of elementals. The integration of elemental magic facilitated unique irrigation systems and crop management techniques. Industries were predominantly nature-centric, focusing on sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly forestry, specialized breeding of magical creatures for domestication, and the creation of enchanted artifacts from natural resources in harmony with the elemental forces.

"Borne of Elemental Grace, Forged in Resilient Flames, Arium Stands Unyielding."

752 B.D.W. - 4 A.D.W.

Geopolitical, Country
Successor Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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