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Behemoth (Be-Hee-Moth)

Behemoths stand as awe-inspiring giants, exclusive denizens of Smiwell within the Crean Isles. These colossal creatures command attention with their immense size and distinctive features—a hunched posture, coarse brown skin, and massive arms that culminate in two formidable claws instead of hands. Their formidable dentition, featuring massive tusks, surpasses the proportions of even goblins, highlighting their imposing presence. Revered as the pinnacle of strength on Smiwell and among the Crean Isles, Behemoths instill universal fear among smaller species. They carve their abodes within massive crags nestled in mountainous terrain, emitting a foreboding red glow. As Behemoths age, their skin takes on a pallid white hue, and their eyes emanate an eerie, glowing red, adding to their mystical aura and imposing demeanor.

Basic Information


Behemoths are awe-inspiring giants, renowned for their massive size and distinctive physical traits. They possess a hunched posture and thick, coarse brown skin, displaying immense strength and durability. Their imposing arms extend into two colossal claws, serving as formidable weapons. Enormous tusks dominate their dentition, surpassing the proportions of smaller species. Ancient Behemoths, older variants, exceed the already colossal size of regular Behemoths, boasting even more imposing features and strength.

Growth Rate & Stages

Behemoths exhibit a slow growth rate, reaching maturity over several decades. They experience life stages akin to childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, refining their physical prowess and dominance within their environment. Ancient Behemoths undergo a prolonged growth phase, extending their lifespan and enhancing their physical attributes.

Ecology and Habitats

These massive creatures thrive in mountainous terrains and rugged landscapes, constructing their habitats within colossal crags that emit a haunting red glow. Their ecology revolves around these geological formations, creating fortified dwellings that contribute to their imposing presence and formidable defense mechanisms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Behemoths possess omnivorous diets, consuming a wide variety of plant matter, small animals, and occasionally larger prey. Their robust physique enables them to forage effectively within their habitat, securing and protecting their food sources without complex storage methods.

Biological Cycle

Behemoths display remarkable resilience to environmental changes, adapting their behaviors rather than experiencing specific biological cycles like hibernation. They may exhibit minor alterations in their activity patterns in response to seasonal shifts or harsh weather conditions but lack dramatic physiological changes.


Behemoths assert dominance within their species, displaying a hierarchical structure led by the strongest individuals. They instill fear among smaller species due to their intimidating presence and prowess. While not inherently aggressive, they defend their territories fiercely and exhibit territorial behavior toward intruders.
Scientific Name
Behemothus Giganteus
300 - 500 Years
Average Height
18ft - 20ft
Geographic Distribution
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