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Smiwell Goblin Tribes (Smi-Vel Gob-Lin Tribes)

The Smiwell Goblin Tribes represent a conglomerate of dispersed settlements across the Smiwell Isle, characterized by their unified cultural identity but the absence of a centralized authority. Although lacking a formal leader, Balor briefly assumed a leadership role within the tribes. Their diverse inhabitants, including Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Rocs, Cyclopes, and Behemoths, coexist within these scattered settlements, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the tribes' way of life. Despite the absence of a singular governing body, a sense of cohesion and shared traditions prevail among these tribes, fostering a collective identity rooted in their heritage and customs.


The Smiwell Goblin Tribes, despite their scattered and autonomous settlements, exhibit a loose confederacy under the nominal rule of Preton. However, this leadership remains nominal, with Balor, during his tenure, acting as a de facto leader overseeing the loosely affiliated tribes. Within each settlement, a chieftain or elder often holds influence, providing guidance and settling disputes among their respective kin. Decision-making and governance within the tribes are decentralized, emphasizing local autonomy and self-governance, allowing each settlement to manage its affairs independently while fostering a sense of community and cooperation among the various goblinoid inhabitants.


The tribes' cultural ethos is steeped in resilience, adaptability, and a strong sense of communal living. Their core beliefs emphasize unity among the diverse inhabitants, fostering a culture that values mutual respect, cooperation, and solidarity. Respecting individual contributions and celebrating diversity form the bedrock of their societal fabric. Their cultural practices often include storytelling, oral traditions, and communal gatherings, promoting a shared heritage and reinforcing social bonds among the tribes.

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Smiwell Goblin Tribes revolves around survival amidst the challenges posed by their harsh environment and the diverse creatures that inhabit it. With no grand ambitions for expansion or conquest, the tribes' public agenda centers on sustaining their way of life, ensuring the safety and prosperity of their settlements, and protecting their lands from external threats. Their agenda is more reactive than proactive, focusing on adapting to the ever-changing conditions of their surroundings and maintaining their independence.


Balor, driven by his experiments and divergent ideologies, laid the foundation for the Smiwell Goblin Tribes, seeking seclusion and freedom from external influences. Over time, disparate goblinoid populations, including Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Rocs, Cyclopes, and Behemoths, gathered under the loose banner of these tribes, drawn by the promise of autonomy and self-determination. Balor's brief leadership brought a period of unification, though its stability was fleeting. The tribes' history is marked by intermittent alliances, internal power struggles, and occasional conflicts, perpetuating their nomadic and resilient existence on the Smiwell Isle.

Demography and Population

The Smiwell Goblin Tribes consist of a diverse array of inhabitants including Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Rocs, Cyclopes, and Behemoths. The population is dispersed across the rugged landscape of the Smiwell Isle, with settlements scattered amidst dense forests, craggy mountains, and sprawling valleys. Birth rates tend to be moderate, while the death rate often fluctuates due to external factors such as incursions from hostile creatures or skirmishes among rival tribes. Each goblinoid species typically resides in its respective regions within the island, cohabiting in distinct settlements that cater to their unique needs and customs.


The Smiwell Goblin Tribes claim dominion over the entire island of Smiwell. However, the organization's occupation is dispersed, comprising various settlements scattered across the landscape. These territories aren't forcefully held or colonized but represent ancestral lands where the goblinoid inhabitants have established their communities over generations. Each settlement operates independently, governed by their own chieftains or leaders, fostering a decentralized yet interconnected network across the isle.


The military structure within the Smiwell Goblin Tribes is decentralized, with each settlement responsible for its defense and security. There isn't a unified or structured military force; rather, each tribe or settlement relies on its inhabitants to safeguard their territories. Warriors from different goblinoid species contribute to the defense, with tactics and weaponry varying among settlements based on their unique needs and preferences. Defense is primarily aimed at repelling external threats, safeguarding their lands from intruders, or combating hostile creatures that inhabit the isle.

Foreign Relations

The Smiwell Goblin Tribes maintain an insular and reclusive stance, exhibiting minimal interaction with other nations. Their relations with external entities are characterized by caution and a propensity for isolationism. They maintain an air of hostility toward outsiders, deterring exploration or settlement within their territories. This standoffish demeanor often dissuades neighboring nations from seeking alliances or conflict, leaving the Smiwell Goblin Tribes largely undisturbed in their self-governance.

Agriculture & Industry

The Smiwell Goblin Tribes do not operate as a unified agricultural or industrial power. Instead, their sustenance largely depends on localized activities within each settlement. They practice subsistence agriculture, cultivating small plots of land for crops, engaging in basic animal husbandry, and harvesting resources from their immediate surroundings. The goblinoid inhabitants rely on hunting, gathering, and basic crafts for survival, with limited commercial or industrial activities present within their communities. Their industry tends to be small-scale, focusing on crafting tools, pottery, and other necessities for daily life.

"Strength in Unity, Honor in Diversity, Freedom in Harmony."

Geopolitical, Tribe
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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