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Beholder (Bee-Hol-Der)

Beholders, distinct in their appearance as floating heads adorned with a singular large eyeball and numerous tentacles, are a remarkable sight within Ous. These creatures wield tentacles that possess a shocking capability, serving as formidable weapons, while their central eye is notorious for emitting powerful laser-like attacks. Unique among the inhabitants of Ous, beholders originate from another plane of existence, settling in Ous due to its perceived suitability for habitation. Over time, they assimilated into Ous' culture, integrating into the societal fabric and contributing as valued members. Within the Ousan community, beholders assume roles as ranged attackers in the military, utilizing their unique abilities to bolster the defensive capabilities of the army.

Basic Information


Beholders are distinct creatures, characterized by a spherical, floating head dominated by a single enormous eyeball that occupies the center. Numerous flexible tentacles sprout from their lower portion, varying in length and possessing the ability to discharge shocking energy, serving both as manipulative appendages and potent weapons. Their central eye emits powerful beams or rays, functioning as a formidable offensive tool. Typically, they lack any limbs or physical body, relying solely on their floating spherical form and tentacular extensions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Beholders have relatively fixed growth rates, reaching maturity within a few years after birth, often around five to six years. Their life stages progress from infancy, marked by limited mobility and less developed ocular abilities, to adolescence, where their eye rays and tentacles become more potent. Once they reach maturity, their physical form stabilizes, and minimal transformations or changes are observed throughout their lifespan.

Ecology and Habitats

Beholders favor subterranean environments with dim lighting and expansive, cavernous spaces, making the caverns of Ous an optimal habitat. They interact with their surroundings by floating through cavernous networks and nesting in secure, concealed locations within the caves. Beholders also create their intricate spaces, meticulously crafting nests or chambers where they reside.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Beholders possess a carnivorous diet, preying on various subterranean creatures within Ous, including insects, smaller underground-dwelling creatures, and fungi. They hunt by utilizing their ocular abilities and tentacles, employing shock-based attacks and their central eye's energy beams to incapacitate prey. They store their food sources within their nests or secure chambers, protecting them from other predators or scavengers.

Biological Cycle

The biology of beholders remains relatively unaffected by seasonal changes or the passing of time within their subterranean habitats. They do not exhibit hibernation or undergo shedding cycles. Instead, their physiological processes, including reproductive activities and bodily functions, maintain stability throughout the year.


Within their species, beholders exhibit solitary tendencies, often preferring solitude within their nests or secluded caverns. However, when interacting with members of their species, they display a cautious yet territorial demeanor. In confrontations with predators or rival beholders, they employ their shock-inducing tentacles and powerful eye beams as defensive mechanisms. Their interactions with other species are often standoffish, as they tend to maintain a guarded distance to protect their territories.
Scientific Name
Oculus Ocularis
500 - 800 Years
Average Height
6ft - 7ft
Geographic Distribution
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