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Ous (Ows)

Nestled in the labyrinthine caverns beneath Litchmeuse, Ous stands as the second-oldest nation on the Crean Isles, a realm that predates the Dark War itself, second only to Arium. Ous operates on a unique election process, where the current ruler selects two individuals of unparalleled magical prowess, and based on their arcane abilities, the ruler designates the more formidable candidate as the successor. This extraordinary ritual unfolds once every century, shaping the destiny of Ous. The subterranean nation is inhabited by diverse creatures such as troglodytes, harpies, beholders, medusas, minotaurs, manticores, and black dragons. Ousans prefer the dark embrace of underground caves, their subterranean abodes reflecting the Dungeon architectural style. The capital city, Noxis, adorned with intricate structures and spires, resonates with the magical energies that permeate the subterranean enclave. The flag, draped in dark blue, symbolizes the mysterious depths and arcane power that define Ous.


Governed by an ancient and arcane ritual occurring once every century, Ous operates under a unique system where the current ruler selects two individuals of extraordinary magical prowess. The chosen successors engage in a test of magical might, with the more powerful candidate ascending to a position of greater political influence. This hierarchy places a premium on magical aptitude, emphasizing the correlation between personal power and political standing.


Ousan culture is deeply rooted in the mystical energies that permeate their subterranean abodes. The Dungeon architectural style characterizes their cities, with sprawling circular buildings made of jet stone and onyx, spires protruding from the main structures. Various festivals celebrate magical achievements and highlight the importance of arcane prowess in Ousan society.

Public Agenda

Ous, in times of peace, adheres to a policy of non-interference in external affairs, only engaging in outside matters during dire circumstances like the Dark War. The nation places a strong emphasis on internal growth, both in terms of the nation's collective magical power and the individual's pursuit of arcane mastery. The public agenda is marked by a commitment to expanding magical prowess and securing Ous as a formidable force within the Crean Isles.

Demography and Population

Ous is a diverse nation housing a variety of mythical and monstrous creatures, ranked in terms of strength from weakest to strongest. Its inhabitants include troglodytes, harpies, beholders, medusas, minotaurs, manticores, and dragons—red and black. The birth and death rates differ among these species, influenced by their mythical nature and lifespans. The more powerful creatures have lower birth rates but longer life spans, while the weaker ones reproduce more frequently but have shorter life spans.


Ous dominantly occupies the cave systems within Litchmeuse. These caverns serve as the ancestral and primary territories for the diverse creatures of Ous. The land is not forcefully held but fiercely protected against potential threats or attempted colonization. Additionally, Ous shares a small surface border with Reaver, maintaining a cautious yet non-hostile relationship. The nation also shares maritime borders with Nentryl through Hasterre and Anteos.


Ous boasts a military force comprised of a diverse range of creatures, each species contributing unique combat abilities and skills. Its military structure includes specialized units and divisions aligned with different species, such as troglodyte scouts, harpy aerial regiments, beholder illusionists, and dragon air forces. The military strength of Ous is fortified by the collective powers and strengths of its diverse inhabitants.

Foreign Relations

Ous maintains friendly relations with almost all neighboring nations except Nentryl. The nation actively seeks diplomacy and trade with its neighbors, fostering peaceful alliances and mutual benefits. However, its relations with Nentryl remain strained due to territorial disputes and ideological differences.

Agriculture & Industry

Ous' economy is predominantly influenced by its unique inhabitants' abilities and resources, rather than conventional agricultural or industrial pursuits. The nation harnesses its cave systems for resource extraction and magical energies. Activities include mining precious minerals and ores, extracting magical crystals, and crafting enchanted artifacts. Additionally, they engage in niche industries such as the production of rare potions, mystical trinkets, and trade of otherworldly goods. This economy primarily thrives on the exploitation and utilization of mystical and magical resources for trade and sustenance rather than traditional agricultural or industrial practices.

"In Arcane Unity, We Conquer the Depths"

Founding Date
714 B.D.W.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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