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Death Knight (Deth Nite)

Veiled in ominous black armor adorned with crimson accents, the Death Knights of the Crean Isles embody a menacing force on the battlefield. Their enigmatic presence is shrouded further by helmets concealing their visages, only revealing malevolent red eyes that gleam ominously from within. Riding atop equally foreboding black horses with eyes aglow in a sinister scarlet hue, these formidable warriors wield an aura of dread and death. The formation of a Death Knight hinges upon an unholy covenant with a deity, tying them to the mortal realm with unresolved purposes, ensuring their return from the abyss of death. Occupying the upper echelons of the Nentrillian hierarchy, Death Knights assume roles of leadership, commanding legions of undead with strategic acuity. Only surpassed in power by the formidable Bone Dragons, Death Knights, in turn, exercise dominion over these mighty creatures, becoming conduits of the dark forces that animate the undead hordes.

Basic Information


Death Knights, once mortal beings transformed through a dark ritual, exhibit an imposing figure clad in ebony armor adorned with crimson accents. The helm conceals their countenance, revealing only glowing red eyes that emanate an aura of dread. Mounted on black horses with similarly fiery eyes, their visage strikes terror into the hearts of those who face them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Death Knights do not undergo conventional growth stages like living organisms. Instead, their evolution transpires through the unholy transformation that occurs when a mortal soul makes a pact with a malevolent deity. The process infuses the individual with dark energies, reshaping them into the formidable Death Knight.

Ecology and Habitats

Death Knights thrive in regions tainted by necromantic energies and dark influences. They are most commonly found leading undead armies in the desolate landscapes of Nentryl, where their command over the legions of the deceased is most potent. These unholy warriors are drawn to places saturated with death and suffering, reinforcing their connection to the macabre forces that sustain them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As undead entities, Death Knights do not have conventional dietary needs. Instead, they draw sustenance from the dark energies that empower them, and they have no requirement for food, water, or rest. Their unholy transformation severs the ties to mortal needs, rendering them impervious to the demands of a living body. This unique characteristic contributes to their relentless pursuit on the battlefield, as they are unencumbered by the necessities that living beings must contend with.

Biological Cycle

Immune to the natural biological cycles of life and death, Death Knights exist in a perpetual state of undeath. Unaffected by seasonal changes, they retain their formidable abilities year-round, providing a constant threat to the living. While other creatures experience dormancy or adaptation to environmental shifts, Death Knights remain unaffected, their undead state preserving them from the ravages of time.


Death Knights exhibit a grim and resolute demeanor, driven by their unholy purpose and allegiance to dark forces. In battle, they display strategic acumen, commanding their undead minions with tactical precision. While ruthless and merciless on the battlefield, Death Knights may harbor a sense of unfulfilled purpose, stemming from their mortal past. Their psychological makeup is a complex amalgamation of memories from their former lives, twisted by the dark forces that granted them undeath, leading to a perpetual inner conflict.
Scientific Name
Noctis Mortifer
Do not age
Average Height
6ft - 7ft
Geographic Distribution
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