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Nentryl (Nen-Tril)

Nentryl, the ominous nation ruled by the malevolent Abraxas, stands as a bastion of necromancy and dark magic in the Crean Isles. At the apex of the power hierarchy, Abraxas reigns as the sinister king, orchestrating his dark ambitions. Deathbringer, driven by a vengeful past, serves as the second in command, while Aragus, fueled by unquenchable ambition, holds the position of tertiary in command. Top-ranking generals include the disdainful Kahr, who harbors a peculiar hatred for lizardpeople, and the rejected Hiroh, yearning for vengeance against the city of Valtara. The nation boasts a formidable array of creatures, from the skeletal undead to liches, vampires, wraiths, death knights, and bone dragons, all serving the dark machinations of Abraxas. Nentryl's inhabitants favor desolate terrains of dirt, devoid of grass, facilitating the unholy work of the necromancers in raising their undead legions. The ominous capital, Antaria, looms as a dark epicenter of necromantic power, its flag draped in the foreboding shade of teal, reflecting the sinister mastery that defines Nentryl's malevolent existence. The annals of the Dark War narrate the nefarious actions of Nentryl, as its dark forces sought dominion over the Crean Isles under the chilling reign of Abraxas.


Nentryl's hierarchical structure is a tapestry woven with dark ambitions and malevolent power. At its pinnacle stands the enigmatic Abraxas, an entity born from the chaotic energies of the Plane of Chaos, reigning as the malevolent king whose insatiable thirst for dominance shapes the destiny of the necromantic nation. Serving as Abraxas's right hand is Deathbringer, formerly known as Tarthas, driven by a haunting past and an unrelenting quest for vengeance. Aragus, an ambitious sorcerer who sought to ascend as Abraxas's second in command but was eclipsed by Deathbringer, holds the position of tertiary in command, fueling an intense rivalry. The hierarchy extends to top-ranking generals, including the disdainful Kahr, fueled by an unusual hatred for lizardpeople, and the rejected Hiroh, whose aspirations were crushed by the rulers of Valtara. This intricate hierarchy orchestrates the malevolent forces of Nentryl, with each tier contributing to the unholy might that seeks to engulf the Crean Isles in darkness.


Nentryl's culture is steeped in the ominous shadows of necromancy, a macabre tapestry woven with dark rituals and foreboding customs. The architecture mirrors the twisted nature of their pursuits, with Necropolis-style towns dominating the landscape. Dark towers, crafted from obsidian and other dark-hued stones, sprawl in unsettling patterns, connected by winding pathways that lead to central, ominous structures. Nentryl's denizens, devoted to the arcane arts, engage in necromantic rituals, raising the dead to serve their malevolent ambitions. These rituals, often performed in shadowy sanctuaries, involve incantations whispered in chilling cadences and the invocation of dark energies. The culture places a profound emphasis on power, hierarchy, and the relentless pursuit of dominance, as evidenced by Abraxas's rule and the cutthroat rivalries within the necromantic hierarchy. Necromancers in Nentryl, adorned in dark robes and bearing grim countenances, command legions of undead creatures, from skeletal minions to fearsome bone dragons, weaving a chilling tapestry of necromantic prowess. The customs of Nentryl are shrouded in a dark mystique, with reverence for the undead and a grim celebration of death permeating every aspect of life in this foreboding nation.

Public Agenda

Nentryl, under the ominous rule of King Abraxas, propagates a public agenda cloaked in the shadows of necromantic mastery. The nation openly declares its commitment to harnessing the powers of death and the arcane to establish dominance over the Crean Isles. Presented as a quest for enlightenment, Nentryl's public face advocates for the exploration and understanding of forbidden arts, promising a dark utopia where the forces of undeath serve as loyal subjects. The agenda, steeped in the pursuit of ultimate power, subtly conceals the malevolent intent to spread the influence of necromancy across the realms, ensuring that Nentryl stands as the unchallenged force shaping the destiny of the Isles.

Demography and Population

Nentryl stands as an eerie landscape populated predominantly by the undead. The population is a spectral array comprising skeletons, zombies, wraiths, vampires, liches, death knights, and bone dragons. The birth rate within the nation is negligible, replaced by the dark arts of necromancy used to bolster their ranks. Death, as understood by the living, is uncommon, as the undead persist unless obliterated in battle or by specific magical means. This diverse but macabre populace is sectioned into various strata based on the type of undead, each fulfilling distinct roles within Nentryl's enigmatic society.


Nentryl's dominance extends over territories in northern Caena and the island bastion of Hasterre. The nation's sway over these lands is marked by the foreboding power of necromancy. However, this occupation is met with stark resistance from surrounding nations, leading to continual skirmishes along the borders and occasional attempts to reclaim occupied territories.


The martial might of Nentryl manifests through an assemblage of diverse undead entities, all under the command of powerful necromancers. The aerial corps is bolstered by bone dragons, while ground forces are led by formidable figures such as death knights and vampires. Strategists and advisors often come from the intelligent and magically adept ranks of liches and wraiths. This military force wields a combination of necromantic supremacy and sheer numbers.

Foreign Relations

Nentryl's presence evokes dread and apprehension in the international arena. The nation is met with widespread aversion and wariness due to its dark practices and aggressive territorial expansion. Its relations with neighbors such as Arium and Preton are ensnared in perpetual tensions, marked by border disputes and sporadic clashes. Distant nations like Lisena, though not directly involved, monitor Nentryl vigilantly due to its relentless territorial expansion and ominous magical practices.

Agriculture & Industry

Unlike traditional realms, Nentryl's focus lies less on agricultural or industrial pursuits and more on the dark arts and resource acquisition. The nation's industries revolve around the creation and maintenance of necromantic artifacts, arcane rituals, and the acquisition of resources to sustain their undead legions. Agriculture plays a minimal role, with the land often left desolate, harnessed for mystical and necromantic purposes rather than cultivation. This exploitation of mystical energies and dark resources solidifies Nentryl's ominous presence in the Isles.

"From the Shadows, We Rise, in Death's Embrace, Nentryl's Might Surprises."

1 A.D.W - 10 A.D.W.

Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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