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Devil (Deh-Vl)

Devils in the Crean Isles command an imposing presence, towering above pit fiends with their large frames, adorned with pure red skin and formidable white horns. Their eyes emit a menacing white glow, a reflection of their power. Occupying the zenith of Anteos's hierarchy, devils clandestinely orchestrate the governance of the entire nation, ruling from the shadows and communicating actively with efreeti and pit fiends. Unlike angels, devils are not isolationist; they engage in intricate power structures, with a unique figurehead emerging once every millennium as the Archdevil. This supreme ruler ascends immediately upon maturation, overseeing Anteos's fate, while other devils contribute to governing councils. The current Archdevil, Dreade, epitomizes the pinnacle of devilish leadership.

Basic Information


Devils possess an imposing anatomy, towering in height, exceeding even that of pit fiends. Their humanoid forms are distinguished by pure red skin, large white horns adorning their heads, and eyes that emit a menacing white glow. A formidable physical presence, devils command attention and instill fear among both allies and adversaries.

Growth Rate & Stages

Devils exhibit a rapid growth rate, reaching maturity within a short span. Their life stages are marked by transformative phases, each denoting an increase in power and influence. The pinnacle of their development is the emergence of the Archdevil, a singular individual born every millennium, bestowed with unparalleled rulership over Anteos.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for devils aligns with the fiery landscapes of Anteos, where the scorching heat and volcanic terrain create a habitat conducive to their existence. Operating in the shadows, devils strategically navigate the complex ecosystems of their homeland, manipulating both physical and political landscapes to maintain dominance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Devils are carnivorous predators, relying on their strength and cunning to hunt prey. They strategically forage for souls and life forces, utilizing their supernatural abilities to secure and protect their food sources. This predatory behavior extends beyond the physical realm, as devils masterfully manipulate political alliances and power dynamics to sustain their influence.

Biological Cycle

Devils' biology remains resilient to the passage of time and seasonal changes, allowing them to endure the harsh conditions of Anteos. Unlike creatures susceptible to hibernation or leaves shedding, devils maintain a consistent and formidable presence, adapting their strategies to exploit shifts in the political and environmental landscapes.


Within their species, devils exhibit a hierarchical and manipulative behavior, vying for power and dominance. Their interactions with predators and predated species are marked by cunning and ruthlessness, as they exploit weaknesses to maintain control. Devils are known for their strategic intelligence, often engaging in elaborate schemes to outwit rivals and secure their infernal supremacy.
Scientific Name
Pyrodaemon infernalis
Several Millenia
Average Height
18ft - 19ft
Geographic Distribution
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