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Anteos (An-Tee-Os)

Forged by the malevolent hands of an ancient archdevil lost to time, the infernal realm of Anteos, shrouded in the ominous glow of volcanic terrain, stands as a testament to the dark powers that birthed it. For most of its history, the demonic overlord Dreade has ruled this realm with an iron fist. The infernal populace, comprising demons, devils, efreeti, imps, hell hounds, and pit fiends, thrives amid the intense heat and molten landscapes, dwelling near lava lakes and rivers. Incidea, the capital, embodies the essence of Anteos with its architecture steeped in the menacing Inferno style. The orange flag that flutters over the demon-infested land serves as a stark symbol of the malevolent dominion and the fiery depths from which its dark power emanates.


Anteos operates within the rigid archdevil hierarchy, with Dreade reigning as the unchallenged sovereign, epitomizing the indomitable force of the demonic realm. Two formidable generals, Gigrarath and Xergan, once stood by Dreade's side before their rebellions against the infernal overlord. This hierarchy, marked by loyalty and fear, symbolizes the absolute dominance and authority Dreade commands over the demonic legions.


The Inferno Architecture style dominates Anteos, with its structures forged from brimstone and blackstone, resonating with the menacing power that permeates the realm. The inhabitants revel in various festivals, such as the Pyre Parade, where fiery processions wind through the molten streets, celebrating the demonic might and indomitable spirit that define Anteos' culture.

Public Agenda

Anteos' unyielding public agenda revolves around the unwavering protection of its infernal natives, even if it necessitates betraying alliances forged with other nations. The demonic realm prioritizes the preservation of its dominion and the perpetuation of its malevolent influence. This commitment to safeguarding its own interests, even at the cost of deceit and betrayal, underscores the ruthless and self-preserving nature that defines the Abyssal Dominion of Anteos.

Demography and Population

Anteos hosts a population comprising a hierarchy of demonic beings, ranging from the weakest to the strongest. The inhabitants, in descending order of strength, consist of imps, gogs, hell hounds, demons, pit fiends, efreeti, and devils. Each species contributes distinct traits to the social fabric of Anteos. The birth and death rates vary among these species, often influenced by their infernal nature. While some species might have higher birth rates but shorter lifespans, others, like pit fiends and devils, have lower birth rates but extended life spans.


Anteos dominantly occupies the entirety of Maniver, considering it as their ancestral and sovereign territory. The demonic beings within Anteos view Maniver as their rightful realm, fiercely guarding it against external interference or colonization. The lands are not forcefully held but are zealously defended against perceived threats.


Anteos boasts a formidable military composed of demonic entities, each specializing in infernal combat techniques. The military structure includes specialized divisions and legions aligned with different species, such as hell hound battalions, demon shock troops, and elite devil squads. Their military strength is bolstered by the inherent magical and combative prowess of their inhabitants.

Foreign Relations

Anteos' relations with neighboring nations are largely defined by guarded diplomacy due to its isolated location on Maniver. It maintains minimal interactions and occasional tensions with the neighboring nations—Nentryl, Ous, and Reaver—primarily revolving around territorial disputes and access to resources. The lack of land borders reduces the intensity of direct conflicts but doesn't eliminate occasional skirmishes over maritime territories.

Agriculture & Industry

Anteos primarily thrives on harnessing infernal magic and resources for its sustenance. The economy revolves around the exploitation of infernal energies and magical resources rather than traditional agricultural or industrial pursuits. Activities include soul harvesting, magical essence extraction, infernal forges for weapon crafting, and the production of cursed artifacts. The nation's economy relies heavily on the utilization of magical and supernatural resources for trade and sustenance rather than conventional industries.

"In the Flames We Unite, Under the Shadow We Thrive"

Founding Date
634 B.D.W.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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