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Fangarm (Fang-Arm)

Fangarms, enigmatic humanoid beings with squid-like heads and draconic wings, inhabit the waters surrounding Ellismeda and the lakes of the dragon islands within the Crean Isles. This unique species displays a striking hybridization, featuring humanoid physiques coupled with distinct squid-like cranial structures and the addition of wings, a testament to their dragon lineage. Despite their remarkable attributes, Fangarms are notably less powerful than other prominent species on the islands, prompting the protection and guardianship of dragons residing in these regions. This alliance stems from an interdependent relationship, where Fangarms benefit from the safeguarding prowess of the dragons, fostering mutual protection and harmony. These enigmatic beings establish their abodes within colossal underwater structures known as Ziggurats. These grand architectural marvels serve as communal dwellings, accommodating numerous Fangarms within their expansive interiors, reflecting a societal structure built upon unity and communal living.

Basic Information


Fangarms present a unique and intriguing anatomy, blending humanoid and aquatic features. They possess humanoid bodies with distinctive squid-like heads, showcasing tentacular structures and prominent eyes reminiscent of cephalopods. Notably, their key distinguishing trait is the presence of draconic wings sprouting from their shoulders, enabling aerial capabilities that further underscore their hybrid nature.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fangarms undergo a moderate growth rate, transitioning from infancy to adulthood over several years. As juveniles, they exhibit smaller wings and less developed squid-like features, progressively maturing into adults. They experience notable growth in their wingspan and cranial structures, culminating in full-fledged aerial capabilities as they reach maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal habitat for Fangarms encompasses aquatic environments surrounding Ellismeda and the lakes across the dragon islands. These regions provide abundant resources and proximity to dragons, fostering a mutually beneficial alliance. Fangarms establish their communities within vast underwater structures called Ziggurats, intricate and expansive dwellings accommodating their communal lifestyles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fangarms primarily subsist on a diet of aquatic fauna, foraging and hunting within their watery domains. They display adept fishing skills, relying on their aquatic surroundings to secure sustenance. Fangarms protect and preserve their food sources within their habitats, ensuring continued access to necessary nourishment.

Biological Cycle

Fangarms' biology remains relatively stable throughout seasonal changes, exhibiting minimal alterations in response to time variations. They do not undergo hibernation or significant biological transformations, maintaining a consistent existence within their aquatic habitats.


These beings exhibit communal and cooperative behaviors within their species, fostering a sense of unity and support within their Ziggurat settlements. They demonstrate a cautious demeanor towards potential threats, showcasing vigilance and defensive measures to safeguard their communities. In interactions with dragons, Fangarms display a mutual relationship based on protection and cooperation.
Scientific Name
Draconoteuthis aerocephalus
40 - 50 Years
Average Height
6ft - 7ft
Geographic Distribution
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