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Kingdom of Ellismeda (Kingdom of El-Is-Meeda)

The Kingdom of Ellismeda, situated on the Dragon Isle bearing the same name, stands as a testament to draconic might and hierarchy. Governed by a strict and venerable order, this realm is ruled by Draconna, the revered and ancient dragon queen. Ellismeda follows a precise hierarchy composed of three tiers of dragons: Elite, Greater, and Lesser. At the pinnacle are the Elite dragons—Azure, Crystal, and Rust—pledged to Draconna's service and fiercely guarding her lair against any threat. The Greater dragons, encompassing Faerie, Black, and Gold breeds, exhibit sentience akin to their Elite counterparts, dwelling across Ellismeda's diverse landscapes. Meanwhile, the countless Lesser dragons—Red, Green, Bone, and Wyverns—populate the Isle in vast numbers, though lacking sentience, they contribute to the expansive and intricate ecosystem of the Republic. This tiered structure underlines a harmonious yet hierarchical society, guided by Draconna's wisdom and the ancient traditions of Ellismeda.


The structure of Ellismeda is built upon a well-defined hierarchy, mirroring the inherent social order among dragons. At its zenith stands Draconna, the venerable and wise dragon queen, revered as the supreme ruler of Ellismeda. Under her rule, the Elite dragons, consisting of the Azure, Crystal, and Rust breeds, hold prominent positions, serving as guardians of the queen's lair and advisers in matters of state. The Greater dragons—Faerie, Black, and Gold—occupy key roles across various territories, contributing to the administration and decision-making processes. Beneath them, the vast numbers of Lesser dragons, including Red, Green, Bone, and Wyverns, form the backbone of the nation's workforce, supporting the infrastructure and economy.


Ellismeda's culture resonates with the ancient traditions and wisdom that dragons uphold. Respect for age, wisdom, and hierarchy permeates every aspect of daily life. The citizens, predominantly dragons, embody a profound sense of honor and loyalty, valuing the preservation of their heritage and the sanctity of the dragon species above all else. Rituals, steeped in tradition, mark important milestones, with gatherings for storytelling, wing games, and aerial displays fostering camaraderie and solidarity among the dragon populace. Art and crafts often reflect the vibrant hues of dragon scales, while oral histories recount the heroic deeds of legendary dragons, inspiring reverence and pride in their heritage.

Public Agenda

The nation of Ellismeda remains a reclusive bastion, maintaining an unparalleled isolationist stance within the Crean Isles. Unwilling to partake in external conflicts or meddle in the affairs of neighboring realms, Ellismeda steadfastly guards its sovereignty and refrains from aggressive actions against other nations. However, this isolationism is twofold, as the dragon-centric society fiercely repels any external intrusion into their sovereign territory. Ellismeda, with a deeply ingrained hostility towards outsiders, vehemently defends its borders, signaling a resolute message of seclusion and territorial sanctity.


Ellismeda's history is steeped in the lore of dragons, tracing back to an epoch when the Isle was forged by primordial forces. Legends speak of Draconna, a wise and majestic dragon, who unified the disparate dragon clans under her banner, establishing a realm of unparalleled strength and wisdom. Over millennia, Ellismeda evolved into a bastion of dragonkind, enduring periods of peace and occasional conflicts, but always preserving its identity and independence. Fierce battles were fought to defend the Isle from external threats, each time solidifying the unity and resilience of the dragon community. The history of Ellismeda is a tapestry woven with tales of valor, wisdom, and the unbreakable bond among dragons, marking it as a beacon of strength and heritage in the Crean Isles.

Demography and Population

Ellismeda is predominantly inhabited by dragons, with various breeds populating the island, including Elite dragons such as Azure, Crystal, Rust, and Greater dragons like Faerie, Black, Gold, and numerous Lesser dragons comprising Red, Green, Bone, and Wyverns. The population is divided across diverse terrains and habitats, with dragons typically inhabiting the island's mountainous regions, caverns, forests, and coastal areas. Due to their long lifespans, the birth rate among dragons is relatively low, countered by similarly infrequent deaths. Wyverns and Fangarms, while less numerous, reside in the less accessible parts of the island, contributing to the island's diverse ecosystem.


Ellismeda exclusively occupies the entirety of the island bearing its name, Ellismeda Isle. These lands, considered the ancestral and sovereign territories of dragonkind, have been claimed and safeguarded by generations of dragons over millennia. The island's diverse landscapes, comprising rugged mountains, dense forests, expansive coastlines, and cavernous regions, have been meticulously preserved and revered as sacred by dragonkind. Ellismeda's dominion over the island remains unchallenged, and any attempt at external colonization or assimilation is met with vehement resistance.


Ellismeda, being a realm primarily inhabited by dragons, does not maintain a conventional military force but relies on its formidable dragon populace as its main defense mechanism. The Elite dragons, stationed as guardians and advisors to Draconna, the queen, serve as the frontline protectors of the realm. Additionally, Greater dragons across the territories act as sentinels, ensuring vigilance and safeguarding the island's borders against potential intruders.

Foreign Relations

Ellismeda stands as an isolated and aloof entity within the Crean Isles, maintaining minimal interaction with neighboring nations. The dragon-centric society refrains from engaging in diplomatic relations or alliances with external powers, fostering a stance of absolute seclusion and neutrality. Their hostility towards outsiders, coupled with their reluctance to participate in external conflicts, results in an insular approach to foreign affairs, making interactions with Ellismeda exceedingly rare and precarious.

Agriculture & Industry

The nation of Ellismeda is not an industrial power; instead, its strengths lie in harnessing the natural resources and ecosystems of its island. Dragons primarily subsist on the resources provided by the island's diverse landscapes, including abundant flora and fauna. Agriculture is minimal, with dragons rarely engaging in extensive cultivation practices. The island's natural bounty, such as vibrant flora, rich mineral deposits, and vast hunting grounds, sustains the dragon populace. Ellismeda's economy, if it can be termed as such, revolves around the preservation of its pristine environment and the traditional ways of dragonkind, devoid of industrialization or expansive commercial activities.

"Strength in Scales, Wisdom in Flight, Unity in the Dragon's Might."

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Neighboring Nations

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