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Goblin (Go-Blin)

Goblins, the diminutive green folk, form a significant demographic within the diverse populace of the Crean Isles, particularly dominating the landscape of Smiwell Island. Renowned for their small stature and resourceful nature, goblins have established alliances with an array of creatures inhabiting Smiwell, collectively navigating and thriving in the rugged terrains of their home. Their adaptability and resilience suit the challenging landscapes, allowing them to contribute significantly to the island's societal fabric. Notably, these goblins played a pivotal role in aiding Exogol, the son of Albion, in the construction of Halgak, a testament to their craftsmanship, collaborative spirit, and indispensable role in shaping the cultural and structural landscape of their island home.

Basic Information


Goblins, diminutive humanoid creatures, typically stand between 3 to 4 feet tall, possessing lean, agile frames suited for quick movements. Their green or earth-toned skin is often covered in warts or rough patches, and they possess elongated fingers with sharp claws for dexterous manipulation and climbing. Sharp teeth and keen senses, especially in low-light conditions, aid in their survival.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins have a rapid growth rate, reaching maturity at around 12 years old. They undergo distinct life stages, starting as infants, progressing to young goblins honing their skills, then maturing into adulthood. Some may evolve into larger, more formidable hobgoblins, typically leaders of goblin tribes due to their enhanced size and strength.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins thrive in diverse habitats but prefer rough, challenging terrains. They exhibit adaptable behaviors, constructing crude shelters or lairs within such environments. They are resourceful, using natural formations or discarded items to fortify their habitats against predators or rival tribes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins possess omnivorous diets, scavenging, foraging, or hunting for sustenance. They consume various meats, plants, and fungi found within their habitat, displaying a preference for small animals, berries, roots, and occasionally pilfering from nearby settlements. They possess rudimentary methods for food preservation, relying on natural storage or hidden caches.

Biological Cycle

Goblins adapt to seasonal changes by adjusting their foraging and hunting patterns. During harsh winters or scarcity, they might exhibit a degree of hibernation, conserving energy until more favorable conditions arise. While not as dependent on seasonal shifts as some creatures, goblins do alter their activities and behaviors to accommodate changes in their environment.


Within their species, goblins exhibit a hierarchical structure, often forming tribes led by more dominant hobgoblins. They're territorial, engaging in skirmishes or rivalries with neighboring groups. They display cunning and opportunistic behavior, utilizing traps, ambushes, or stealth tactics in hunting or defense. While wary of larger predators, they can be predatory toward smaller creatures, engaging in coordinated attacks to overwhelm foes.
Scientific Name
Goblinus Diminutus
30 - 40 Years
Average Height
3ft - 4ft
Geographic Distribution
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