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Gold Dragon (Gowld Dra-Gn)

Gold Dragons, prominent inhabitants of Ellismeda with sporadic presence in Caena, exhibit grandeur with their sizable stature and resplendent golden scales and manes. Their wings bear a mesmerizing rainbow hue, adding to their majestic appearance. While categorized as the weakest among the Greater Dragons, they command formidable strength and prowess. Their breath weapon, a scorching golden flame, surpasses the heat of regular flames. Comparable in size to Phoenixes, standing tall at 20 to 30 feet, these dragons inhabit colossal cliffs, sharing territories alongside Green Dragons within Ellismeda. Renowned for their wisdom, Gold Dragons stand as the epitome of sagacity among dragonkind, capable of devising intricate battle strategies akin to human intellect. Their crucial alliance with New Arium during the Dark War solidified their reputation, contributing significantly to the downfall of Nentryl. As a result, a small faction of Gold Dragons chose to remain in Caena rather than returning to Ellismeda, marking their distinct presence within the larger alliance of dragons in the Crean Isles.

Basic Information


Gold Dragons are majestic creatures adorned with magnificent golden scales and flowing manes, exuding an aura of grandeur. Their wings bear a mesmerizing rainbow hue, shimmering with various colors. With robust bodies and sizable wingspans, they possess formidable strength and impressive aerial prowess, standing tall at an average height of 20 to 30 feet.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gold Dragons exhibit a steady growth rate, progressing from hatchling to juvenile and then to subadult stages within a few decades. As they mature, their scales and mane assume a more radiant golden hue, and their wings develop the iridescent rainbow coloring. They attain full adulthood and peak physical and intellectual capabilities after roughly a century.

Ecology and Habitats

Thriving in environments akin to the dry expanses of Ellismeda, Gold Dragons favor territories with vast cliffs and ample nesting spaces. They inhabit cavernous dwellings within these cliffs, sharing habitats with other dragon species like Green Dragons. They interact with their habitat by fiercely protecting their domains and treasures and contributing to the ecological balance of their territories.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As apex predators, Gold Dragons primarily consume large prey such as deer, boars, and occasionally other dragon species. They employ hunting strategies that involve both ambush tactics and aerial prowess, utilizing their scorching golden flame breath to immobilize prey. These dragons skillfully store surplus food within their lairs for sustenance.

Biological Cycle

Gold Dragons adapt to seasonal changes, displaying increased activity during warmer periods and relatively reduced movement during colder seasons. While not hibernating, they might exhibit periods of rest or decreased activity in colder climates. Shedding and regrowth of scales occur periodically, ensuring their protective armor remains intact.


Gold Dragons exhibit exemplary wisdom and intelligence among dragonkind, displaying remarkable cognitive abilities and strategic planning akin to human intellect. Within their species, they exhibit hierarchical structures and foster alliances for mutual benefits. They assert dominance through displays of strength and intellect, and their keen intellect aids in formulating intricate battle tactics. Towards potential threats and predators, they present formidable defenses, utilizing their powerful flame as a deterrent.
Scientific Name
Aureodracon magnificus
400 - 600 Years
Average Height
20ft - 30ft
Geographic Distribution

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